I think the prototype layout is finished:
- Removed some extraneous pullup/pulldown resistors
- Sense is now ON == 1 for the config switches
- ROM and I/O port options all switch configured
- Decoding an extra bit on the I/O port, gives more possible port options
- Single LED/connector option
- Switch/Jumper descriptions added to silkscreen
- Jumper header hole size adjusted for detent pin headers
- Simplified settings for 28C64B/28C256 EEPROM selection
- Swapped status/control latch for buffer (latch was always enabled, it was being used as a buffer)
- Removed silkscreen around ISA connector and screw holes
- All component values placed inside part legends, values placed outside
- Capacitors optimized for axial bead type capacitors
I ended up leaving the jumpers for the Chuck Mod option rather than permanent Chuck Mod, since the V1 BIOS doesn't seem to support Chuck Mod. I also left the 74LS537 latches as apparently I ordered a quantity of them a while back, so I've got plenty for kits. The board is somewhat smaller than the rev 2 boards. I also left the I/O decoder alone w.r.t the upper 6 I/O address bits.