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Blog? Kewl...where'd this come from?

Terry Yager

Veteran Member
May 1, 2003
Saginaw, MI, USA 48601
Lessee if it works.

Temp was in the 50's today (in real degrees, not Canadian), so I figgered I'd go out and occupy sum'n. Painted a new graffito on the shed, grabbed a lawnchair and occupied the driveway for a couple hours. Wasn't long till a couple of neighbors joined me, and we had quite a demonstration goin' till THE MAN came and told us I'd have to turn down the 15s (John Mayall...sacrilege!) and quit hollerin all over the trailer park. Damn you Sadie! Thought you were one of us! Well at least someone's got a job. Ah well, back was throbbing pretty good by then, so we retired to the inside for a bit, then the others went off to occupy their own dumps so I could lay down for a bit. Overall a pretty good day...so far.

BTW, is there a rule book for this blog thinggy? (Wanna make sure I don't miss any, gotta break 'em all at least twice, eh?)