At VCF West (2019) this year on August 3rd and 4th at the Computer Histoy Museum in MountainView California we are trying to get as many original Apple-1 in the same room as possible. We are also thinking of a mass power on for those who want to the opportunity and also a discussion panel on Apple-1 stories where you can discuss the history of you particular system if you feel so inclined. We will also respect your privacy if you simply want to display the board in a glass case which we will supply.
Please contact me at to coordinate. We will work with the CHM and the local police to provide security for this event.
I will also reach out directly to many of you via email in the next coming weeks, but just in case I missed someone I’m posting here and on a few other sites.
Please contact me at to coordinate. We will work with the CHM and the local police to provide security for this event.
I will also reach out directly to many of you via email in the next coming weeks, but just in case I missed someone I’m posting here and on a few other sites.
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