Experienced Member
Hi, I have an NEC CDR-206(PI) 2x CD-ROM drive that comes from a PC-9821 Cs2 computer. It worked very well for over a year until now where it just suddenly, for seemingly no reason, started making an awful grinding noise when opening and closing the disc tray. It still read discs fine, but it was incredibly annoying. I tried fixing it myself, but then that just made it worse because now the tray keeps getting stuck on something after I took the top piece with the spindle that holds the disc down off and back on so I could look at the gears. I need this particular drive to be working because it's the only one that can be used on this machine without hacking up the case, etc. Please message me if you have the ability to repair old CD drives like this. I really don't think I can do it myself at this point, since I suck at repairing mechanical stuff. Thanks.