Veteran Member
Might want to check out the obituary columns more frequently :-}? Or the public records of the Coroner's Office ...
VCF SoCal | Feb 15 - 16 2025, | Hotel Fera, Orange CA |
VCF East | Apr 04 - 06 2025, | Infoage Museum, Wall NJ |
VCF Southwest | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | University of Texas at Dallas |
VCF Southeast | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | Atlanta, GA |
VCF West | Aug 2025, | CHM, Mountain View, CA |
VCF Midwest | Sep 13 - 14 2025, | Schaumburg, IL |
Convergence is affected by the focus and HV. It's normally not very noticeable, but when things are way off, it becomes obvious.Why is the convergence so bad? Did a magnet fall off the tube? Or the rings suddenly go loose and spin?
These are standard Specs for farmer's high power range electric fences and the energy stored in their capacitors, Still I wouldn't recommend actually doing it to prove the point that you would likely survive it, it is very unpleasant from these high power units, anything over 1J starts to get "nasty" and they certainly do pack a punch. One thing that ameliorates the risks, the Human or animal gets a single discharge from the unit and the discharges are widely spaced, so they tend to disconnect themselves from the fence and rarely receive more than one shock. Of course there are many other dangerous things on farms too, machinery etc.And I thought wisdom comes with age. Perhaps there are exceptions to rules, who would have thunk.
A flyback ring tester is not required. A flayback can be tested in circuit with a dual resonance test with a signal generator & scope. The principles of this test are explained in an article I wrote about the physics of flyback transformers, pages 33 to 39:I'd say get or borrow an HV probe (or as I did, five 200M resistors in series into a Tesco lunch box, fill with paraffin, and a 100uA meter), or a flyback/ring tester. Andy was referring to the diodes that are inside the epoxy of the flyback, and if one in that chain fails, high voltage goes down. You need to measure, not guesstimate.
In some cases, when the EHT rectifier inside the encapsulation of the EHT coil's insulation on a monochrome VDU shorts out, the VDU can be repaired by adding a new EHT rectifier in series with the EHT cable. I keep some EHT rectifiers for this purpose. It is not useful or quick fix on the typical color VDU, because the focus bleeder chain has AC applied to it with the internal shorted rectifier. But, it can be done if another focus and screen control & bleeder chain is added after the the new EHT rectifier.and if not just 1, but all the diodes fail internally, you'll have an AC flyback. Like in olde timey vacuum tube television sets. For a short time at least, until the high frequency corona eats through the epoxy and shorts windings through: