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Geek milestones


Experienced Member
Apr 3, 2014
My nerdy little brain sometimes can't keep techno-stuff compartmentalized away from everyday life. Examples follow:

My car reached 68000, 68010 and 68020 miles yesterday, 68030 and 68040 today. Sometime in the next year it will reach 80386 and 80486 miles.

When I was working with PDP-11's a lot I would "notice" that the time was 11:04, 11:05, 11:20, 11:23, 11:24, 11:34, 11:40, 11:44, 11:45, 11:55...

When driving down the road do you notice the assembly language mnemonics people have in their license plates? The more assembly languages you know the more you will notice.
There are more callsign suffixes than mnemonics...
I can only imagine...

Last week one of the trucks that delivered to my workplace had a license plate that read: xx86-400x (I don't remember the actual letters). I pointed it out to the guy next to me, and he didn't get it until I told him 86400 is the number of seconds in a day. He looked at me a little funny, and said, "I'm glad you know that."
I do get distracted when I see processor models in numbers. Probably confusing folks with a chuckle or when a price ends up at 65.02. I always wanted a license plate with something easy like that to remember.

lol I'd never do it but can you imagine how many peoples heads would explode if you had something wrong like 8bit486 lol.
My address is W255. If you go one bit to the west you get a carry bit and are transported instantly downtown Milwaukee. Too bad it doesn't actually work that way!

The car from Elio is supposed to have a starting price of $6800. I wonder if the next model with only cost $6502.
Heh, my wife and I try to do something every month on the day of our anniversary. This month, June, marks the start of our ninth bit, leaving eight bits behind. Making it to ten bits shouldn't be too hard, but it will be a miracle to make eleven. And last month, for our monthly celebration, I took her to eat French Fries at a Fast Food establishment..... Since June marked 256 months, I took her to a restaurant named the Square Root (took her there on the 225th and 196th months, too; she thinks it's pretty cool, even maybe a bit romantic...and on the 225th month the waitress thought it was the coolest thing ever, but that's because she was a math major at a local college.). I even gave her a special lunch at the very minute that she had been married to me for half of her life.....although that should probably have been a trophy.
Not too long ago I looked down at my odometer and saw that it read "101111". I instantly thought, "57?"