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Hello from Beauharnois, Quebec


Aug 20, 2014
Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada

Just discovered this forum and signed on today.

I'm into computers since 1983 when I got my first one, the ill fated TRS-80 MC-10.
Since I was dirt poor growing up, I now buy the system I used to dream about and I love them all.
I used to go to the mall where there was a Compucenter kiosk and spend hours looking at the ti-99/4 fully equiped system and the Atari or C64 demo playing on.

In time I got a job as a welder and bought a used Coco 2. I then bought an Atari 800XL (which I still own) and a used demo C64. The Coco was my dedicated telecom station, the Atari was for my programing and later my own BBS and the C64 was for games mostly. Later I sold the C64 and Coco2 to buy a PC XT clone which I promptly traded for an Atari 520st. After that I went Amiga when I bought a 1000 demo unit on the cheap from the Compucenter where I used to hang out :p

After the A1000 I got back into the PC world with a donated PC AT. After 10 years as an arc welder, I went back to college to do what I really wanted to do in the first place that is, work in IT.

What I love the most is learning to program them which I still do.
I love looking at old piece of software codes and trying to recreate them on a modern platform. Hey, we all have issues ;)

I also collect classic gaming systems.