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It appears the old Vintage-computer.com forums got re-activated some how.


Update: Weird! Whois search says we use Enom. We don't. Whole other company. Maybe they do domains through Enom. I don't know (and don't much care). Anyway our hosting company is definitely not Enom.

But I don't wish to advertise which hoster we DO use. That information could be exploited by a malicious hacker.

Get real. IP address ownership is public domain. The DNS does appear to be separate.....
Here on the high plains, it was below freezing when I left the house yesterday morning and 74 when I got home. We haven't had any real rain or snow in months.

I think Ill buy a toyota truck next. American car manufacturing really let me down on pickup trucks... -- Yes tangent.

Buy a Tundra. They're made in Texas, so you can have the best of both worlds.
You can pull your gun down from the rack and shoot at the accelerator when it gets stuck.

Should I ever for some strange reason desire to buy a pickup, it surely won't be newer than 1988. Most likely much older.
I guess someone still needs to poke the right people. In the mean time, check for old links floating around and update them.

If Google is indexing that now, things will get ultra-confusing.

If this has only happened recently then it's oddly coincidental timing for me. I decided to update the links in my much neglected website today and, following an out of date link to the VCF on it, wondered why my thread allegedly here only had 2012 stuff in it. Of course my site was still linking to your old site, so those links magically came back to life when your ghost site appeared. I worked out what was happening and fixed my website today before I saw this thread but it was darned confusing for a short while. I seldom browse your site as I am so engrossed in my own project work, so might have missed this altogether. Like I said, it's really coincidental, me doing this today, but at least I averted anyone visiting my site getting directed to your ghost site.

Beyond the realm of computers I write about the possibility that we are somehow capable of sensing events about which we shouldn't rightly know. I am quite used to such coincidences as I personally encounter them quite often in my life, which is the reason for me researching and writing about them. The strangest aspect is that the events don't even have to have happened yet, implying that somehow we can even anticipate the future, not just the predictable future but completely unpredictable events, like a plane flight being cancelled six years in the future in my case, for example. That experience was particularly spooky but I just go along with such things now. As Doctor Ed May said about the Stargate Project, the problem is that the bandwidth is appallingly narrow and I never know when I'm possibly being influenced by this sixth sense, if it actually exists. Anyway, back to the computer stuff. So, will my ambitious HoneyPi Project ever be a success? Well, there must be some good reason for me repeatedly being drawn back to working on it, mustn't there?