Veteran Member
DEC released FOCAL-8 (FOrmula CALculator) in 1969 as a tool for numeric problem solving on the PDP "Family of 8" machines. The language allowed extension and at least two additional versions were made available to the public.
OMSI-P/S8 FOCAL is available of Dave Gesswein's site along with an HTML version of the online help as documentation. The manual for Jim van Zee's University of Washington Focal (UWF) is on bitsavers and also as FOCAL8-301 from DECUS.
I'm trying to find the missing pieces - an OMSI manual and UWF source and binaries.
Can anybody help?
OMSI-P/S8 FOCAL is available of Dave Gesswein's site along with an HTML version of the online help as documentation. The manual for Jim van Zee's University of Washington Focal (UWF) is on bitsavers and also as FOCAL8-301 from DECUS.
I'm trying to find the missing pieces - an OMSI manual and UWF source and binaries.
Can anybody help?