Sour Patrol
I have succeeded in booting from the floppy and I can confirm the files are still on drive C. A Windows installation dated 9-4-98, AOL 3.0, DOS, and Program Files.
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Replacement box of floppies, or some other method ?I have succeeded in booting from the floppy and I can confirm the files are still on drive C. A Windows installation dated 9-4-98, AOL 3.0, DOS, and Program Files.
Replacement box of floppies, or some other method ?
What CHS parameters did you set in the BIOS for the Hard drive ?, Download ' ' stick it on your boot floppy and run it, See what that says, You can have it output a txt file if you want,It might've been just cleaning the read/write heads on the old drive. I'm not sure. I still can't get it to boot: "No operating system detected." but the data's there, at least.
Replacement box of floppies, or some other method ?
Maybe bad diskettes putting a layer of 'crud' on the heads.It might've been just cleaning the read/write heads on the old drive. I'm not sure. I still can't get it to boot: "No operating system detected." but the data's there, at least.
... but possibly in six months time.I'm leaving the country for six months on the 24th, so my window to be able to work on this project is rapidly closing.