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Midwest 6800


Veteran Member
Jan 22, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Just posted a video of my Midwest 6800 SS50 machine here. Still hoping one day I find a source for the original MSIBUG ROM. Or if anyone has any ideas on how to operate this beast.

The WEEBUG ROM seems to have some functions that are similar to other 6800 'BUGs'. Like G (address). But on entering them the system just freezes.

Anyway.. if anyone can add to my knowledge or knows someone who can.. it'd be much appreciated.

Hi, I have an MSI 6800 in storage, lookes the same as yours but in much worse condition, I have a listing of MSI-BUG MT-1 and when I get my scanner to work I can scan it if this is any help. I should have more documentation but will have to dig it out.

Thanks so much for sending a pic of that! Does yours have the four EPROMs? I'm trying to figure out what they are on mine -- two are labelled WEEBUG but no idea what the other two are. I would appreciate anything to do with this machine -- only things I've found so far are PDFs of old advertisements. Surprised with how successful they were there aren't more manuals out there!
Dang!! A fellow named Jeff Culvahouse posted on old-computers.com just 2 weeks ago that he had some manuals for the MSI 6800 and invited anyone interested in them to reach out to him, but there's no way I can find to contact him. Old-computers is a bit obtuse that way.


I'm really hoping the System Operator's manual has a listing for MSIbug so I can put my MSI 6800 back to its original monitor.
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Very cool. Any tech docs out there? It's huge.

I've not been able to find a single scanned document for MSI. It might exist... the problem is google looks for Microstar International rather than Midwest Scientific. Allegedly the listing for MSIBUG is in the operator manual.

Unfortunately I missed it!

I'm starting to wonder though if maybe I have MSIBUG on one of the other EPROMs on the CPU card. I think there are four... I can't see Weebug taking up all four. Weebug is ok but you can't do memory editing or anything.
I've not been able to find a single scanned document for MSI. It might exist... the problem is google looks for Microstar International rather than Midwest Scientific. Allegedly the listing for MSIBUG is in the operator manual.

Unfortunately I missed it!

I'm starting to wonder though if maybe I have MSIBUG on one of the other EPROMs on the CPU card. I think there are four... I can't see Weebug taking up all four. Weebug is ok but you can't do memory editing or anything.

Have you seen this 2008 thread on vcfed:


apparently the MSI 6800 may have used SWTPC boards.

There is a lot of SWPTC info including a link to a Motorola document on MIKBUG and MINIBUG including source code.

I ported that source code to run on my Tektronix 4054A by reassembling with the 4052A/4054A Assembler program I found - see my thread:


Have you seen this 2008 thread on vcfed:


apparently the MSI 6800 may have used SWTPC boards.

There is a lot of SWPTC info including a link to a Motorola document on MIKBUG and MINIBUG including source code.

I ported that source code to run on my Tektronix 4054A by reassembling with the 4052A/4054A Assembler program I found - see my thread:



Yeah that machine had some substitutes parts. Mine has an actual MSI cpu board. All the boards in there appear to be MSI.
Yeah that machine had some substitutes parts. Mine has an actual MSI cpu board. All the boards in there appear to be MSI.


I did find some websites with interesting info and code that may run on your MSI!

this site contains the recovered floppy images that Huisman got with his Motorola Exorciser

and here is Roland Huisman's vcfed post on his Exorciser:

This website has a Motorola 6800 Exorciser emulator - that can also emulate a SWPTC, which may be closely related to your MSI.

I found these while searching for a Motorola 6800 Basic Compiler - the first link includes the Software Dynamics 6800 Basic Compiler floppy image!

Other tools include 6800 assembler and MDOS floppy images.

The emulator floppy utility should allow us to get those files converted if necessary to other 6800 platforms.

I really should get a floppy drive that'll work with SS50 machines. The MSI has a floppy controller board and the WEEBUG monitor has tries to boot from floppy right away on startup.

The only problem I have with WEEBUG is that it doesn't have a way to edit memory contents (M on MIKBUG) or punch or load tape. So without a disk drive and disks there is no way to being data in. I suspect MSIBUG had this functionality.

Unless I havent found the right key but I'm pretty sure I've hit all of them. I should really dump Weebug and get someone with programming skills to see what they can make of it.
I was just going to ask if someone knew how to do that from the listing. If I can get that into s-rec format I can use my 2708 burner to burn a new EPROM. I even have spare EPROMs for that purpose. Just not sure how many are required or how to do it with such a large code.
I was just going to ask if someone knew how to do that from the listing. If I can get that into s-rec format I can use my 2708 burner to burn a new EPROM. I even have spare EPROMs for that purpose. Just not sure how many are required or how to do it with such a large code.

I will have to type in the source code statements from the listing then re-assemble that source code to get a binary executable file.
For my 4054A - I'll be using the 4052A/4054A assembler program - which will also allow the code to be relocated.

I will post my source code file in this thread - with the original addresses.
I have also used the A09 Assembler to assemble 6800 programs- and he also has a disassembler:

The documentation indicates the code fits in a 2708 EEPROM - 8kbits or 1K byte.

The part I can't figure out is on the last page. As I mentioned in another thread... my 2708 programmer has you enter addresses in my SWTPC 6800's memory space between $0000 and $03FF. But they have some instructions at the very end that would take me over $03FF so I'm not sure how to integrate those.
I've OCR'd the document, created TIFF's of pages 07..017, and I have pages 7,8,9, and 17 in ASCII format
with some corrections from the OCR process.

(I'm working on the others and will post those as soon as I get them done. It should be in the next day or two.
Your assembly of the source will prove that it is free of typo's.)

00010                     NAM    SWI
00020                     OPT    O,NOG
00030 0100                ORG    $0100
00040              *
00060              *
00070      F014    SWIVEC EQU    $F014    SWI VECTOR IN RAM
00080      E133    SFE1   EQU    $E133    NORMAL SWI ROUTINE
00090      E1D1    OUTEEE EQU    $E1D1    OUTPUT CHARACTER ROUTINE     ~
00100              *
00120 0103 FF F014        STX    SWIVEC   PUT IN SWI VECTOR
00130 0106 CE 011E        LDX    #MSG
00140 0109 A6 00   PRINT  LDA A  0,X      PRINT CHARACTERS UNTIL A $04
00150 010B 81 04          CMP A  #4
00160 010D 27 04          BEQ    PRINT1
00170 010F 3F             SWI             DO A SWI TO CALL THE PRINT
00180 0110 08             INX             ROUTINE
00190 0111 20 F6          BRA    PRINT
00210 0116 FF F014        STX    SWIVEC   BACK IN SWI VECTOR
00220 0119 3F             SWI             RETURN TO MONITOR
00230              *
00250 011D 3B             RTI             GO BACK TO CALLING ROUTINE
00260              *
00270 011E 0D      MSG    FCB    $0D,$0A
00280 0120 48             FCC    /HELLO/
00290 0125 0D             FCB    $0D,$0A,$04
00300                     END



00010                     NAM    MSIBUG
00020              *
00022              *
00030              *MSIBUG MONITOR MT-1 FOR USE WITH THE
00040              *MSI 6800 COMPUTER.
00050              *VERSION 1.7
00060              *ACIA INTERFACES ARE AT $F500 AND $F508
00070              *MONITOR RAM IS AT $F000.
00080              *
00090              *MSIBUG MONITOR MT-2 FOR USE WITH THE
00110              *AT $8000 AND $8004, AND RAM AT $A000.
00130              *THE FOLLOWING CHANGES:
00140              *  ACIAS EQU $8000
00150              *  ACIAT EQU $8004
00160              *  THE EQU FOR RAM IS  EQU $A000
00170              *  STACK IS AT $A049
00180              *
00200              *LAST CHANGE 1-17-78 BY HAL HOFFMAN
00210              *
00220                     OPT    O
00230      F500    ACIAS  EQU    $F500
00240      F508    ACIAT  EQU    $F508
00250      E400    PRMNXT EQU    $E400
00260 E000                ORG    $E000
00270 E000 FE F000 IO     LDX    IOV
00280 E003 6F 00          JMP    0,X
00290 E005 FE F006 POWDWN LDX    NIO
00300 E008 6E 00          JMP    0,X
00310 E00A FD E15C LOAD   JSR    LOADI
00320 E00D BD E1DF        JSR    OUT3
00330 E010 BD E078 LOAD3  JSR    INCH
00340 E013 81 53          CMP A  #'S
00350 E015 26 F9          BNE    LOAD3
00360 E017 BD E078        JSR    INCH
00370 E01A 81 39          CMP A  #'9
00380 E01C 27 26          BEQ    LOAD21
00390 E01E 81 31          CMP A  #'1
00400 E020 26 EE          BNE    LOAD3
00410 E022 7F F00A        CLR    CKSM
00420 E025 8D 2E          BSR   ·BYTE
00430 E027 80 02          SUB A  #2
00440 F029 B7 F00B        STA A  BYTECT
00450 E02C 8D 19          BSR    BADDR
00460 E02F 8D 25   LOAD11 BSR    BYTF
00470 E030 7A F00B        DEC    BYTECT
00480 E033 27 05          BEQ    LOAD15
00490 E035 A7 00          STA A  0,X
00500 E037 08             INX
00510 E038 20 F4          BRA    LOAD11
00520 E03A 7C F00A LOAD15 INC    CKSUM
00530 E03D 27 D1          BEQ    LOAD3
00540 E03F 86 3F   LOAD19 LDA A  #'?
00550 E041 BD E1D1        JSR    OUTEEE
00560 E044 7E E0E3 LOAD21 JMP    CONTRL
00570 E047 8D 0C   BADDR  BSR    BYTE
00580 E049 B7 F00C        STA A  XHI
00590 E04C 8D 07          BSR    BYTE
00600 E04E B7 F00D        STA A  XLOW
00610 E051 FE F00C        LDX    XHI
00620 E054 39             RTS
00630 E055 8D 32   BYTE   BSR    INHEX
00640 E057 48      BYTE2  ASL A
00650 E058 48             ASL A
00660 E059 48             ASL A
00670 E05A 48             ASL A
00680 E05B 16             TAB
00690 E05C 8D 2B          BSR    INHEX
00700 E05E 1B             ABA
00710 E05F 16             TAB
00720 E060 FB F00A        ADD B  CKSM
00730 E063 F7 F00A        STA B  CKSM
00740 E066 39             RTS
00750 E067 44      OUTHL  LSR A
00760 E068 44             LSR A
00770 E069 44             LSR A
00780 E06A 44             LSR A
00790 E06B 84 0F   OUTHR  AND A  #$0F
00800 E06D 8B 30          ADD A  #$30
00810 E06F 81 39          CMP A  #$39
00820 E071 23 02          BLS   OUTCH
00830 E073 8B 07          ADD A  #7
00840 E075 7E E1D9 OUTCH  JMP    OUT2
00850 E078 7E E1B4 INCH   JMP    IN2
00860 E07B 8D F8   PDATA2 BSR    OUTCH
00870 E07D 08             INX
00880 E07E A6 00   PDATA1 LDA A  0,X
00890 E080 81 04          CMP A  #4
00900 E082 26 F7          BNE    PDATA2
00910 E084 39             RTS
00920 E085 8D 31   PDATAC BSR    PORTAC
00930 E087 20 F5          BRA    PDATA1
00940 E089 8D ED   INHFX  BSR    INCH
00950 E08B 80 30   INHEX2 SUB A  #$30
00960 E08D 2B 54          BMI    CONTRL
00970 E08F 81 09          CMP A  #9
00980 E091 2F 0A          BLE    IN1HG
00990 E093 81 11          CMP A  #$11
01000 E095 2B 4C          BMI    CONTRL
01010 E097 81 16          CMP A  #$16
01020 E099 2E 48          BGT    CONTRL
01030 E09B 80 07          SUB A  #7
01040 E09D 39      IN1HG  RTS
01050 E09E A6 00   OUT2H  LDA A  0,X
01060 E0A0 8D C5   OUT2HA BSR    OUTHL

04470 E3C2 7D F00E        TST    TEMP
04480 E3C5 27 08          BEQ    *+10
04490 E3C7 37             PSH B
04500 E3C8 BD E30F        JSR    INPUT
04510 E3CB 33             PUL B
04520 E3CC 7F F01A        CLR    OUTSW
04530 E3CF CE E191        LDX    #ECHO
04540 E3D2 BD E085        JSR    PDATAC
04550 E3D5 BD E1AC        JSR    INEEE
04560 E3D8 81 59          CMP A  #'Y
04570 E3DA 27 03          BEQ    *+5
04580 E3DC 73 F01A        COM    OUTSW
04590 E3DF CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
04600 E3E2 C0 30          SUB B  #$30
04610 E3E4 27 06          BEQ    *+8
04620 E3E6 CE F508        LDX   #ACIAT
04630 E3E9 BD E1A2        JSR   ACOUT+3
04640 E3EC F7 F01B        STA B  SAVE
04650 E3EF 7D F00E        TST    TEMP
04660 E3F2 26 06          BNE    *+8
04670 E3F4 FF F016        STX    INADD
04680 E3F7 7E E00A        JMP   LOAD
04690 E3FA FF F018        STX    OUTADD
04700 E3FD 7E E25A        JMP    PUNCH
04710 F000                ORG    $F000
04720 F000 0002    IOV    RMB    2
04730 F002 0004           RMB    4
04740 F006 0002    NIO    RMB    2
04750 F008 0002    SP     RMB    2
04760 F00A 0001    CKSM   RMB    1
04770 F00B 0001    BYTECT RMB    1
04780 F00C 0001    XHI    RMB    1
04790 F00D 0001    XLOW   RMB    1
04800 F00E 0001    TEMP   RMB    1
04810 F00F 0002    TW     RMB    2
04820 F011 0001    MCONT  RMB    1
04830 F012 0002    XTEMP  RMB    2
04840 F014 0002    SWI    RMB    2
04850 F016 0002    INADD  RMB    2
04860 F018 0002    OUTADD RMB    2
04870 F01A 0001    OUTSW  RMB    1
04880 F01B 0001    SAVE   RMB    1
04890 F01C 0002    BEGA   RMB    2
04900 F01E 0002    ENDA   RMB    2
04910 F020 0052           RMB    $52
04920 F072 0002    STACK  RMB    2
04930                     END

There could still be a few typo's......

Last edited:
I've OCR'd the document, created TIFF's of pages 07..017, and I have pages 7,8,9, and 17 in ASCII format
with some corrections from the OCR process.

(I'm working on the others and will post those as soon as I get them done. It should be in the next day or two.
Your assembly of the source will prove that it is free of typo's.)

00010                     NAM    SWI
00020                     OPT    O,NOG
00030 0100                ORG    $0100
00040              *
00060              *
00070      F014    SWIVEC EQU    $F014    SWI VECTOR IN RAM
00080      E133    SFE1   EQU    $E133    NORMAL SWI ROUTINE
00090      E1D1    OUTEEE EQU    $E1D1    OUTPUT CHARACTER ROUTINE     ~
00100              *
00120 0103 FF F014        STX    SWIVEC   PUT IN SWI VECTOR
00130 0106 CE 011E        LDX    #MSG
00140 0109 A6 00   PRINT  LDA A  0,X      PRINT CHARACTERS UNTIL A $04
00150 010B 81 04          CMP A  #4
00160 010D 27 04          BEQ    PRINT1
00170 010F 3F             SWI             DO A SWI TO CALL THE PRINT
00180 0110 08             INX             ROUTINE
00190 0111 20 F6          BRA    PRINT
00210 0116 FF F014        STX    SWIVEC   BACK IN SWI VECTOR
00220 0119 3F             SWI             RETURN TO MONITOR
00230              *
00250 011D 3B             RTI             GO BACK TO CALLING ROUTINE
00260              *
00270 011E 0D      MSG    FCB    $0D,$0A
00280 0120 48             FCC    /HELLO/
00290 0125 0D             FCB    $0D,$0A,$04
00300                     END



00010                     NAM    MSIBUG
00020              *
00022              *
00030              *MSIBUG MONITOR MT-1 FOR USE WITH THE
00040              *MSI 6800 COMPUTER.
00050              *VERSION 1.7
00060              *ACIA INTERFACES ARE AT $F500 AND $F508
00070              *MONITOR RAM IS AT $F000.
00080              *
00090              *MSIBUG MONITOR MT-2 FOR USE WITH THE
00110              *AT $8000 AND $8004, AND RAM AT $A000.
00130              *THE FOLLOWING CHANGES:
00140              *  ACIAS EQU $8000
00150              *  ACIAT EQU $8004
00160              *  THE EQU FOR RAM IS  EQU $A000
00170              *  STACK IS AT $A049
00180              *
00200              *LAST CHANGE 1-17-78 BY HAL HOFFMAN
00210              *
00220                     OPT    O
00230      F500    ACIAS  EQU    $F500
00240      F508    ACIAT  EQU    $F508
00250      E400    PRMNXT EQU    $E400
00260 E000                ORG    $E000
00270 E000 FE F000 IO     LDX    IOV
00280 E003 6F 00          JMP    0,X
00290 E005 FE F006 POWDWN LDX    NIO
00300 E008 6E 00          JMP    0,X
00310 E00A FD E15C LOAD   JSR    LOADI
00320 E00D BD E1DF        JSR    OUT3
00330 E010 BD E078 LOAD3  JSR    INCH
00340 E013 81 53          CMP A  #'S
00350 E015 26 F9          BNE    LOAD3
00360 E017 BD E078        JSR    INCH
00370 E01A 81 39          CMP A  #'9
00380 E01C 27 26          BEQ    LOAD21
00390 E01E 81 31          CMP A  #'1
00400 E020 26 EE          BNE    LOAD3
00410 E022 7F F00A        CLR    CKSM
00420 E025 8D 2E          BSR   ·BYTE
00430 E027 80 02          SUB A  #2
00440 F029 B7 F00B        STA A  BYTECT
00450 E02C 8D 19          BSR    BADDR
00460 E02F 8D 25   LOAD11 BSR    BYTF
00470 E030 7A F00B        DEC    BYTECT
00480 E033 27 05          BEQ    LOAD15
00490 E035 A7 00          STA A  0,X
00500 E037 08             INX
00510 E038 20 F4          BRA    LOAD11
00520 E03A 7C F00A LOAD15 INC    CKSUM
00530 E03D 27 D1          BEQ    LOAD3
00540 E03F 86 3F   LOAD19 LDA A  #'?
00550 E041 BD E1D1        JSR    OUTEEE
00560 E044 7E E0E3 LOAD21 JMP    CONTRL
00570 E047 8D 0C   BADDR  BSR    BYTE
00580 E049 B7 F00C        STA A  XHI
00590 E04C 8D 07          BSR    BYTE
00600 E04E B7 F00D        STA A  XLOW
00610 E051 FE F00C        LDX    XHI
00620 E054 39             RTS
00630 E055 8D 32   BYTE   BSR    INHEX
00640 E057 48      BYTE2  ASL A
00650 E058 48             ASL A
00660 E059 48             ASL A
00670 E05A 48             ASL A
00680 E05B 16             TAB
00690 E05C 8D 2B          BSR    INHEX
00700 E05E 1B             ABA
00710 E05F 16             TAB
00720 E060 FB F00A        ADD B  CKSM
00730 E063 F7 F00A        STA B  CKSM
00740 E066 39             RTS
00750 E067 44      OUTHL  LSR A
00760 E068 44             LSR A
00770 E069 44             LSR A
00780 E06A 44             LSR A
00790 E06B 84 0F   OUTHR  AND A  #$0F
00800 E06D 8B 30          ADD A  #$30
00810 E06F 81 39          CMP A  #$39
00820 E071 23 02          BLS   OUTCH
00830 E073 8B 07          ADD A  #7
00840 E075 7E E1D9 OUTCH  JMP    OUT2
00850 E078 7E E1B4 INCH   JMP    IN2
00860 E07B 8D F8   PDATA2 BSR    OUTCH
00870 E07D 08             INX
00880 E07E A6 00   PDATA1 LDA A  0,X
00890 E080 81 04          CMP A  #4
00900 E082 26 F7          BNE    PDATA2
00910 E084 39             RTS
00920 E085 8D 31   PDATAC BSR    PORTAC
00930 E087 20 F5          BRA    PDATA1
00940 E089 8D ED   INHFX  BSR    INCH
00950 E08B 80 30   INHEX2 SUB A  #$30
00960 E08D 2B 54          BMI    CONTRL
00970 E08F 81 09          CMP A  #9
00980 E091 2F 0A          BLE    IN1HG
00990 E093 81 11          CMP A  #$11
01000 E095 2B 4C          BMI    CONTRL
01010 E097 81 16          CMP A  #$16
01020 E099 2E 48          BGT    CONTRL
01030 E09B 80 07          SUB A  #7
01040 E09D 39      IN1HG  RTS
01050 E09E A6 00   OUT2H  LDA A  0,X
01060 E0A0 8D C5   OUT2HA BSR    OUTHL

04470 E3C2 7D F00E        TST    TEMP
04480 E3C5 27 08          BEQ    *+10
04490 E3C7 37             PSH B
04500 E3C8 BD E30F        JSR    INPUT
04510 E3CB 33             PUL B
04520 E3CC 7F F01A        CLR    OUTSW
04530 E3CF CE E191        LDX    #ECHO
04540 E3D2 BD E085        JSR    PDATAC
04550 E3D5 BD E1AC        JSR    INEEE
04560 E3D8 81 59          CMP A  #'Y
04570 E3DA 27 03          BEQ    *+5
04580 E3DC 73 F01A        COM    OUTSW
04590 E3DF CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
04600 E3E2 C0 30          SUB B  #$30
04610 E3E4 27 06          BEQ    *+8
04620 E3E6 CE F508        LDX   #ACIAT
04630 E3E9 BD E1A2        JSR   ACOUT+3
04640 E3EC F7 F01B        STA B  SAVE
04650 E3EF 7D F00E        TST    TEMP
04660 E3F2 26 06          BNE    *+8
04670 E3F4 FF F016        STX    INADD
04680 E3F7 7E E00A        JMP   LOAD
04690 E3FA FF F018        STX    OUTADD
04700 E3FD 7E E25A        JMP    PUNCH
04710 F000                ORG    $F000
04720 F000 0002    IOV    RMB    2
04730 F002 0004           RMB    4
04740 F006 0002    NIO    RMB    2
04750 F008 0002    SP     RMB    2
04760 F00A 0001    CKSM   RMB    1
04770 F00B 0001    BYTECT RMB    1
04780 F00C 0001    XHI    RMB    1
04790 F00D 0001    XLOW   RMB    1
04800 F00E 0001    TEMP   RMB    1
04810 F00F 0002    TW     RMB    2
04820 F011 0001    MCONT  RMB    1
04830 F012 0002    XTEMP  RMB    2
04840 F014 0002    SWI    RMB    2
04850 F016 0002    INADD  RMB    2
04860 F018 0002    OUTADD RMB    2
04870 F01A 0001    OUTSW  RMB    1
04880 F01B 0001    SAVE   RMB    1
04890 F01C 0002    BEGA   RMB    2
04900 F01E 0002    ENDA   RMB    2
04910 F020 0052           RMB    $52
04920 F072 0002    STACK  RMB    2
04930                     END

There could still be a few typo's......


Thanks Larry. Checked up to E0A0 - looked perfect. However there is a chunk missing from E0A0 to E3C2 in what you posted there.
Sure, It's a work in progress...... and that last chunk is the last page. Here are pages 10, 11, and 12.
I'll try to finish tomorrow, if I can.
01070 E0A2 A6 00          LDA A  0,X
01080 E0A4 08             INX
01090 E0A5 20 C4          BRA    OUTHR
01100 E0A7 BD E1AC WAIT   JSP    INEEE
01110 E0AA 81 0D          CMP A  #$0D
01120 E0AC 27 03          BEQ    *+5
01130 E0AE 7E E0E3        JMP    CONTRL
01140 E0B1 CE E17D WAIT2  LDX    #CRLF
01150 E0B4 BD E07E WAIT1  JSR    PDATA1
01160 E0B7 39             RTS
01170 E0B8 FF F012 PORTAC STX    XTEMP
01180 E0BB CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
01190 E0BE FF F018        STX    OUTADD
01200 E0C1 FF F016        STX    INADD
01210 E0C4 FE F012        LDX    XTEMP
01220 E0C7 39             RTS
01230 E0C8 8D D4   OUT4HS BSR    OUT2H
01240 E0CA 8D D2   OUT2HS BSR    OUT2H
01250 E0CC 86 20   OUTS   LDA A  #$20
01260 E0CE 20 A5          BRA    OUTCH
01270 E0D0 8E F072 START  LDS    #STACK
01280 E0D3 BF F008        STS    SP
01290 E0D6 CE E133        LDX    #SFE1
01300 E0D9 FF F014        STX    SWI
01310 E0DC 86 13          LDA A  #$13
01320 E0DE B7 F500        STA A  ACIAS
01330 E0E1 01             NOP
01340 E0E2 01             NOP
01350 E0E3 86 11   CONTRL LDA A  #$11
01360 E0E5 B7 F500        STA A  ACIAS
01370 E0E8 7F F01A        CLR    OUTSW
01380 E0EB BE F008        LDS    SP
01390 E0EE CE E172        LDX    #MCLOFF
01400 E0F1 8D 92          BSR    PDATAC
01410 E0F3 BD E1AC        JSR    INEEE
01420 F0F6 16             TAB
01430 E0F7 8D D3          BSR    OUTS
01440 E0F9 C1 4C          CMP 3  #'L
01450 E0FB 27 69          BEQ    TAPE
01460 E0FD C1 4D          CMP B  #'M
01470 E0FF 27 68          BEQ    MEMORY
01480 E101 C1 50          CMP B  #'P
01490 E103 27 61          BEQ    TAPF
01500 E105 C1 52          CMP B  #'R
01510 E107 27 36          BEQ    PRINT
01520 E109 C1 43          CMP B  #'C
01530 E10B 27 5F          BEQ    CHECK
01540 E10D C1 54          CMP B  #'T
01550 E10F 27 5E          BEQ    TYPE
01560 E111 C1 47          CMP B  #'G
01570 E113 27 0A          BEQ    GO
01580 E115 B6 E400        LDA A  PRMNXT
01590 E118 81 7E          CMP A  #$7E
01600 E11A 26 C7          BNE    CONTRL
01610 E11C 7E E400        JMP    PRMNXT
01620 E11F BD E318 GO     JSR    INPUT1
01630 E122 30             TSX
01640 E123 B6 F01E        LDA A  ENDA
01650 E126 A7 05          STA A  5,X
01660 E128 B6 F01F        LDA A  ENDA+1
01670 E12B A7 06          STA A  6,X
01680 E12D 3B             RTI
01690 E12E FE F014 SFE    LDX    SWI
01700 E131 6E 00          JMP    0,X
01710 E133 BF F008 SFE1   STS    SP
01720 E136 30             TSX
01730 E137 6D 06          TST    6,X
01740 E139 26 02          BNE    *+4
01750 E13B 6A 05          DEC    5,X
01760 E13D 6A 06          DEC    6,X
01780 E142 FE F008        LDX    SP
01790 E145 08             INX
01800 E146 C6 03          LDA B  #3
01810 E148 BD E0CA PRINT1 JSR    OUT2HS
01820 E14B 5A             DEC B
01830 E14C 26 FA          BNE    PRINT1
01840 E14E BD E0C8        JSR    OUT4HS
01850 E151 BD E0C8        JSR    OUT4HS
01860 E154 CE F008        LDX    #SP
01870 E157 BD E0C8        JSR    OUT4HS
01880 E15A 20 87          BRA    CONTRL
01890 E15C FE F016 LOADI  LDX    INADD
01900 E15F 86 55          LDA A  #$55
01910 E161 A7 00          STA A  0,X
01920 E163 86 11          LDA A  #$11
01930 E165 39             RTS
01940 E166 7E E3B6 TAPE   JMP    TAPEIO
01950 E169 7E E212 MEMORY JMP    CHANGE
01960 E16C 7E E31F CHECK  JMP    CKSUM
01970 E16F 7E E34F TYPE   JMP    LISTER
01980 E172 13      MCLOFF FCB    $13
01990 E173 0D      MCL    FCB    $0D,$0A,$14,0,0,0,0,0,*,4
      E174 0A
      E175 14
      E176 00
      E177 00
      E178 00
      E179 00
      E17A 00
      E17B 2A
      E17C 04
02000 E17D 0D      CRLF    FCB       $0D,$0A,0,0,0,0,0,0,4
      E17E 0A
      E17F 00
      E180 00
      E181 00
      E182 00
      E183 00
      E184 00
      E185 04
02010 E186 0D     MTAPE1 FCB   $0D,$0A,0,0,0,0,0,0,S,1,4
      E187 0A
      E188 00
      E189 00
      E18A 00
      E18B 00
      E18C 00
      E18D 00
      E18E 53
      E18F 31
      E190 04
02020 E191 20     ECHO  FCB   $20,$20,'E,'C,'H,'O,'?,$20,4
      E192 20
      E193 45
      E194 43
      E195 48
      E196 4F
      F197 3F
      E198 20
      E199 04
02030 E19A FE F016 ACIN   LDX    INADD
02040 E19D 20 03          BRA   *+5
02050 E19F FE F018 ACOUT  LDX    OUTADD
02060 E1A2 86 13          LDA A  #$13
02070 E1A4 A7 00          STA A  0,X
02080 E1A6 86 11          LDA A  #$11
02090 E1A8 A7 00          STA A  0,X
02100 E1AA 39             RTS
02110 E1AB 00             FCB    0
02120 E1AC FF F012 INEEE  STX    XTEMP
02130 E1AF CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
02140 E1B2 20 06          BRA    *+8
02150 E1B4 FF F012 IN2    STX    XTEMP
02160 E1B7 FE F016        LDX    INADD
02170 E1BA 8D 08   IN3    BSR    INCHP
02180 E1BC 84 7F          AND A  #$7F
02190 E1BE 81 7F          CMP A  #$7F
02200 E1C0 27 F8          BEQ    IN3
02210 E1C2 20 18          BRA    OUT2+3
02220 E1C4 A6 00   INCHP  LDA A  0,X
02230 E1C6 47             ASR A
02240 E1C7 24 FB          BCC    INCHP
02250 E1C9 A6 01          LDA A  1,X
02260 E1CB 39             RTS
02270 E1CC 00             FCB    0,0
      E1CD 00
02280 E1CE 7E E0E3 QUIT   JMP    CONTRL
02290 E1D1 FF F012 OUTEFE STX    XTEMP
02300 E1D4 CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
02310 E1D7 20 06          BRA    *+8
02320 E1D9 FF F012 OUT2   STX    XTEMP

Pages 13, 14, 15, & 16 will follow tomorrow.

Better double check it for errors......

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Here are pages 13, and 14 of the PDF. Only two pages to go...........
(Will do that this afternoon.......)

02330 E1DC FE F018        LDX    OUTADD
02340 E1DF 37      OUT3   PSH B
02350 E1E0 8D 2C          BSR    POLL
02360 E1E2 24 18          BCC    INOUT
02370 E1E4 0C      INBRK  CLC
02380 E1E5 36             PSH A
02390 E1E6 A6 01          LDA A  1,X
02400 E1E8 84 7F          AND A  #$7F
02410 E1EA 81 05          CMP A  #5
02420 E1EC 26 03          BNE    *+5
02430 E1EE 73 F01A        COM    OUTSW
02440 E1F1 81 13          CMP A  #$13
02450 E1F3 26 02          BNE    *+4
02460 E1F5 8D CD          BSR    INCHP
02470 E1F7 81 04          CMP A  #4
02480 E1F9 27 D3          BEQ    QUIT
02490 E1FB 32             PUL A
02500 E1FC 7D F01A INOUT  TST    OUTSW
02510 E1FF 26 08          BNE    OUT4
02520 E201 E6 00   OUTC1  LDA B  0,X
02530 E203 57             ASR B
02540 E204 57             ASR B
02550 E205 24 FA          BCC    OUTC1
02560 E207 A7 01          STA A  1,X
02570 E209 33      OUT4   PUL B
02580 E20A FE F012        LDX    XTEMP
02590 E20D 39             RTS
02600 E20E E6 00   POLL   LDA B  0,X
02610 E210 57             ASR B
02620 E211 39             RTS
02630 E212 BD E047 CHANGE JSR    BADDR
02640 E215 20 32          BRA    UP1
02650 E217 FE F00C CHANG  LDX    XHI
02660 E21A BD E0CA        JSR    OUT2HS
02670 E21D 09             DEX
02680 E21E 8D 8C   CHA1   BSR    INEEE
02690 E220 81 2F          CMP A  #'/
02700 E222 27 21          BEQ    DWN
02710 E224 81 2E          CMP A  #'.
02720 E226 27 20          BEQ    UP
02730 E228 81 4E          CMP A  #'N
02740 E22A 26 05          BNE    *+7
02750 E22C BD E0CC        JSR    OUTS
02760 E22F 20 E1          BRA    CHANGE
02770 E231 81 0D          CMP A  #$0D
02780 E233 27 99          BEQ    QUIT
02790 E235 81 20          CMP A  #$20
02800 E237 26 0C          BNE    DWN
02810 E239 BD E055        JSR    BYTE
02820 E23C A7 00          STA A  0,X
02830 E23E A1 00          CMP A  0,X
02840 E240 27 03          BEQ    DWN
02850 E242 7E E03F        JMP    LOAD19
02860 E245 08      DWN    INX
02870 E246 20 01          BRA    UP1
02880 E248 09      UP     DEX
02890 E249 FF F00C UP1    STX    XHI
02900 E24C CE E17D        LDX    #CRLF
02910 E24F BD E07E        JSR    PDATA1
02920 E252 CE F00C        LDX    #XHI
02930 E255 BD E0C8        JSR    OUT4HS
02940 E258 20 BD          BRA    CHANG
02950 E25A 86 12   PUNCH  LDA A  #$12
02960 E25C BD E075        JSR    OUTCH
02970 E25F FE F01C        LDX    BEGA
02980 E262 FF F00F        STX    TW
02990 E265 B6 F01F PUN11  LDA A  ENDA+1
03000 E268 B0 F010        SUB A  TW+1
03010 E26B F6 F01E        LDA B  ENDA
03020 E26E F2 F00F        SBC B  TW
03030 E271 26 04          BNE    PUN22
03040 E273 81 10          CMP A  #16
03050 E275 25 02          BCS    PUN23
03060 E277 86 0F   PUN22  LDA A  #15
03070 E279 8B 04   PUN23  ADD A  #4
03080 E27B B7 F011        STA A  MCONT
03090 E27E 80 03          SUB A  #3
03100 E280 F7 F00E        STA A  TEMP
03110 E283 F6 F01A        LDA B  OUTSW
03120 E286 37             PSH B
03130 E287 7F F01A        CLR    OUTSW
03140 E28A CE E186        LDX    #MTAPE1
03150 E28D BD E07E        JSR    PDATA1
03160 E290 33             PUL B
03170 E291 F7 F01A        STA B  OUTSW
03180 E294 7D F01B        TST    SAVE
03190 E297 27 0C          BEQ    PUN30
03200 F299 CE E196        LDX    #MTAPE1
03210 E29C BD E085        JSR    PDATAC
03220 E29F CE F508        LDX    #ACIAT
03230 E2A2 FF F018        STX    OUTADD
03240 E2A5 5F      PUN30  CLR B
03250 E2A6 CE F011        LDX    #MCONT
03260 E2A9 8D 32          BSR    PUNT2
03270 E2AB CE F00F        LDX    #TW
03280 E2AE 8D 2D          BSR   PUNT2
03290 E2B0 8D 2B          BSR   PUNT2
03300 E2B2 FE F00F        LDX    TW
03310 E2B5 8D 26   PUN32  BSR    PUNT2
03320 E2B7 7A F00E        DEC    TEMP
03330 E2BA 26 F9          BNE    PUN32
03340 E2BC FF F00F        STX    TW
03350 E2BF 53             COM B
03360 E2C0 37             PSH B
03370 E2C1 30             TSX
03380 E2C2 8D 19          BSR    PUNT2
03390 E2C4 33             PUL B
03400 E2C5 FE F00F        LDX    TW

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OCR Process

OCR Process

Just in case you are wondering what process I used here is what I did.

1. Download the PDF

2. Burst the pages
pdftk msi-bug.pdf burst

3. Convert the 72 DPI images to 450 DPI
convert -density 450 pg_0007.pdf -depth 8 pg_0007.tiff
convert -density 450 pg_0017.pdf -depth 8 pg_0017.tiff

4. Use Irfanview with the KADMOS Plugin installed.
a. Open the pg_0007.tiff
b. draw a box around the text I want to OCR
c. Execute the OPTIONS --> OCR Plugin
d. Draw another box around the text to OCR
e. Save the text file (you can't edit it before you save it!)
f. Repeat (b thru e) for other .tiff files.
g. Edit pg_0007.txt
h. Repeat (g) for other .txt files.

I've found KADMOS does a better job than Tesseract, Textbridge, and other OCR Software I've tried.

Here is a sample of the text from the OCR.
 03600 E2F6 CE F500        LDX    #ACIAS
 03610 E2F9 FF F018        STX    OUTADD
 03620 E2FC FE F012        LDX    XTEMP
 03630 E2FF BD E09E        JSR    OUT2H
 03640 E302 F~ F012        STX    XTEMP
 03650 E305 C~ F508        LDX    #ACIAT
 03660 E308 ~F F018        STX    OUTADD
 03670 E30B FE F012        LDX    XTEMP
 03680 E30E 39      P3     RTS
 03690 E30F ~D E047 INPUT  JSR    BADDR
 03700 E312 FF F01C        STX    BEGA
 03710 E315 ~D E0CC        JSR    OUTS
 03720 E318 BD E047 INPUT1 JSR    BADDR
 03730 E31B FF F01E        STX    ENDA
 03740 E31E 39             RTS


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