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"Ouija" Boards Anyone?


Veteran Member
Apr 1, 2017
Niagara Falls, Canada Eh?
I've recently found myself becoming interested in spirit/witch/talking/ouija boards, and other such devices that spiritualists use/d to communicate with the dead and such.

Now, I will state I am an atheist, a rationalist, skeptic and everything else under that umbrella, so no I do not believe people are actually contacting the dead, any spirits, or anything like that.

There is a rational psychological explanation for how things like that work, it's called the ideomotor phenomenon, and it is basically small subconscious movements that your body makes in accordance with a thought you are having, so at most you are really accessing your subconscious, which I still find very interesting.

The obsession about "talking to the dead" blew up in America during the civil war because of death touching almost everyone in some way, and many people wanting to communicate with deceased friends or loved ones, etc. It started off with things like "table tipping" which was essentially people putting their hands on tables and then the table moving when allegedly communicating with a spirit, then "spirit tapping", then a whole bunch of other devices such as planchettes, psychographs, etc that predated what is now known as the "Ouija" board.

Originally called by many names such as "talking boards", "witch boards", or "spirit boards" etc, they became known as "Ouija" boards when the Kennard Novelty Company got a patent on their design and then started to mass produce and market them as parlor games, a little later William Fuld bought the company, so most early Ouija Boards are by the William Fuld company (except for the very early ones). The William Fuld company kept producing them until 1966 when they sold the rights to Parker Borthers, which later sold the rights to Hasbro in 1991 (who still produces them). William Fuld, and Parker Brothers, also had deals with companies in Canada for producing boards as well (maybe so for other parts of the world as well, but I don't know).

As many of you older folk may know the Ouija board was very popular for a long time, and is still popular, for most time it was seen by the public as a fun game, kind of like a magic 8 ball, while churches did denounce them of course. It wasn't until the movie "The Excorcist" (1973) where it was used as the thing that allowed the girl to become possessed, that it was seen as evil and demonic by the general public, and a lot of horror films and stupid videos on YouTube have kept that tradition going to this day.

My interest personally is the psychological aspect as well as the history, but also in part the fact that there are many designs of Ouja (and talking/spirit/witch) boards out there, including an Ozzy Osbourne board, a Stranger Things board, a Hellboy board, a Marilyn Manson board, etc.

Being that I am Canadian, and my favorite colors are red, black, and white. I decided to buy a board from the early 90s by the Canada Games Company, as it combines all those colors. Fair price to on ebay, even with the shipping only came to $45, which for something in good condition, in box, I can't complain about. I will certainly try it when I get it in, though I suspect to get the effect to work, I will need to temporarily suspend my skepticism and disbelief to get my subconscious able to work.


I am also searching for a more antique board from 1891-1920 as well, though those in good condition will be decidedly more expensive.

If anyone is interested here's a few websites full of information for learning more:

The Mysterious Planchette (the owner, Brandon Hodge, is a skeptic as well).

Museum of Talking Boards

William Fuld.com

Talking Board Historical Society

What are your memories and or experiences with "Ouija" boards if you have any? Anyone else also interested?
The Universe - from the subatomic to the the most massive Quasar - is a monumental balance of weak and colossal forces on a scale that is beyond the comprehension of our limited minds. We live in a time where the idea of creation and a creator have been largely evicted from discussion of how we and all 'this' came to be.

Science is the new religion and scientists speak as if mere discovery is on par with creation itself. The masses are mostly in lock step with secular humanism and it's new God - personal opinion and human ego.

Imagine if our modern world suddenly ended - we were really on our knees, supermarket barren of food, deliveries dried up, supply chain broken - production ceased. Our arrogance evaporates as we either turn on each other in spiteful survival - or just maybe, look to the sky for the next rain, the earth for the next green shoots - and just maybe - cry a prayer to the One we forgot about from whence it all came.

You are playing with fire regarding Ouija boards. Iblis's greatest trick in the modern age is to get us to cease to believe in him or the one true God. Look around you and see where its got us.

Sorry if this isn't the place for such a discussion - but them I'm not sure Ouija boards are either?

Who dat?

I'm of the persuasion that far and away most paranormal phenomenon is total bunk. This coming from a person who can't deny I've had multiple supernatural/Divine experiences. Ah but who hasn't these days. But I agree nothing good can be had from attempting to contact lower spirit forces. The op seems to be examining based on rational criteria. I imagine that's been done already. And nothing turned up it seems. 19th century hyper spiritism. Total hooey kablooey.

Who dat?

I'm of the persuasion that far and away most paranormal phenomenon is total bunk. This coming from a person who can't deny I've had multiple supernatural/Divine experiences. Ah but who hasn't these days. But I agree nothing good can be had from attempting to contact lower spirit forces. The op seems to be examining based on rational criteria. I imagine that's been done already. And nothing turned up it seems. 19th century hyper spiritism. Total hooey kablooey.

Wee-gee board: are we talking 32 or 64 bit version? :razz:
Imagine if our modern world suddenly ended - we were really on our knees, supermarket barren of food, deliveries dried up, supply chain broken - production ceased. Our arrogance evaporates as we either turn on each other in spiteful survival

I'm ready, ikuze!
The way I figure it, it's either total bunk or something I'm better off not toying with.

Well they are bunk. It's been known for a long time how it works through the ideomotor phenomenon, and they don't work for everybody either, you need to be in the right state of mind for the effect to kick in as well.

There's also countless videos where people use it blindfolded, where sometimes the board is turned around, etc and the blindfolded users move the planchette to where they think "yes", "no", or certain letters are, but they often land on blank spaces, and on letters they were not intending.

Watch this short 3 minute video from national geographic, gets to the point.

Even though there are rational explanations for them, they are still interesting and cool, there's lots of things I know are not "real" (like Star Wars) which I still enjoy.
On TiVo DVRs, screens that allow text entry include a square of letters, numbers and symbols, arranged alphabetically rather than QWERTY-style, that you can navigate (up/down/right/left) and select with the remote control. This is popularly known as the "Ouija board". The name took on added significance once TiVo introduced a network interface for remote commands, and I wrote some code to translate keyboard-typed text to the appropriate series of cursor movements, making it look a little like a ghost was operating the remote. :) (TiVo later added the ability to pass text directly to the network interface, so the ghost is largely obsolete now.)

That's the extent of my experience with Ouija boards, apart from mocking them.
….You are playing with fire regarding Ouija boards. Iblis's greatest trick in the modern age is to get us to cease to believe in him or the one true God. Look around you and see where its got us.

Thought I'm not very spiritual, I have to agree.
I ended up buying two, but the first one I bought (as pictured in the OP) came in today.

So I just used the Ouija board for the first time.

I asked "are you ready to answer questions".

It took a while but it did slowly start to move (very slowly) and staggeringly towards "yes/oui" and landed there.

So can it work - yes? Is it supernatural - no. Obviously this is what you'd expect from subconscious muscle movement from the ideomotor effect.