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  • Hi, I was reading your thread on making a 16 bit ROM card for ISA. I am wondering if you could advise on how to use an XT-CF card in an AT machine? Notionally, I think it is no different than running an 8 bit ISA card in a 16 bit ISA slot - so it should work as-is? Can I simply ignore all the signals normally associated with the 16 bit ISA extended connector?

    Thanks for your time, cheers.
    I have never used an XT-CF card so I can't comment on that specifically but in general there is nothing preventing it from working in a 16-bit slot. There was a bug in some versions of the XTIDE Universal BIOS software that didn't play nice with the AT BIOS though
    Notice to visitors: maxtherabbit is one of the most accomplished members of this site. When he speaks, people listen.

    Helpful, kind, compassionate, always willing to extend a helping hand. I can speak for everyone when I say that you should definitely go out of your way to talk to and interact with this cheerful and intelligent ol' fellow; maxtherabbit is nothing if he's not a paragon of manners and a respectable dispensator of wisdom.

    The stigma that vintage computer enthusiasts are necessarily ornery old codgers? Let that foolish notion melt away with nothing more than a few words from maxtherabbit.

    A+, good buddy.
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