In addition to what jgch noted, some braindump of knowledge of the philips p4000 series (P4200/P4500/P4800).
I worked with these computers from 1982 till 1994.
Some highlights (or not...):
- 30 mb of removable disks
- 30 to 54 mb harddisk (i think max. 3 disks in one computer)
- 1 Mb floppy drive
- tape streamer for backups
- max ca 50 workstations (24 x 80).
- operating system DINOS
- release 26 till 32??
- programming in DINOS - COBOL (not RM/Cobol)
- Most 3 letter commands:
STO <jobnr>(Stop jobnr)
SPV <jobnr> Spool command
DUM <jobnr> Memorydump
GER DK3 - Ready disk 3
VER DK3 - Remove DK3
- Tools in UTILS
- Choose commands with numbers
- 7 Inquiry
- 1 Inquiry disk
- 1 Inquiry hole disk:
- 7,1,1 : Show directory of disk
- 3,2 Remove a file
- 6,1 Copy a file
There were also procedures for some tasks:
Editing source code with DCLIBMAN or LMF
Line editors.
Command to save file in DCLIBMAN:
/en <sourcename>
/fi (stop DCLIBMAN)
Commands in LMF ended with F1
END <F1> sstop
100,300R ABC XYZ<F1> (Lines 100 to 300 replace abc by xyz)
Compile and Link: For large programs this could take 15 to 30 minutes
Programs were started with JCL (Job control langunge). Store this job in a library on disk and to start:
proc1, proclib, sysres <FB>key. FB key was key to start applications
SYSRES was systemdisk. All OS files where on that disk.
If anyone has such a system, i would be glad to run this once again!