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Political Views Quiz

Sales taxes are totally regressive in that they are assessed to the poor as well as those who can afford them. It reminds me of the outrageous taxes placed on tobacco products. They amount to a tax on the poor, since most smokers are in the lower income brackets. Michigan has one of the highest tobac tax levels anywhere.

While we're on the subject, how about state lotteries ? When's the last time you saw your white-collar boss standing in line blowing $20.00 on lottery tickets ? Or slots ?
...and the BigLie they told us (in Michigan) that if we voters approved the State Lottery, the proceeds would go towards education. In reality, the lottery income goes directly into the General Fund, where education is then dolled out it's meager share. And speaking of BigLies, what about the one they told us about insurance rates going down if we approved thier st00pid seat belt law? Has anyone ever known thier rates to go down, for any reason? All that ever came out of that legislation is an increase in state and local revenues from all the new tickets being written.

You know, they've been selling us a similar line of cagal. ( if you don''t know what this is, think brown, and then google 'Stainless Steel Rat' and then read the book)
What's always puzzled me is that the money for the lobbyists( for Lotto ) comes from these out-of-state companies, but they're funded from companies located in the Virgin Islands.. way to complicated for my geek head..
As soon as I find a teacher, or a principle, that's in favour of this, I'll probably vote on it.

Terry, we had a promise in Maryland for rates to go down as well.
Alas, something else came up, so there fore, the rate increased.
Unfortunately, once that problem had been solved, there was another 'oops' and the rates went up again, I mean, they went up more.
Years of soul-searching, and whild the rates didn't go up, the fee to get your car tested for emissions did. And to get it inspected.

I guess, being the dumb 'cuspie' liberal/liberitatian' that I am here's some stuff I don't quite get.

Why do I have to pay to get my car inspected for emissions ?
Shouldn't this be in the fee to register the car, in the first place ?
Okay, so this is nitpicking.
Nowadays, I drive a diesel, good milage, emissions doesn't pick on em.

But, and here's my confusion, there's a ton of taxes on fuel There's a ton of fees on buying the car in the first place. There's a ton of fees to register it. Now, if this is so important, why to we then have to *pay* to be compliiant ?

Not to open a whole 'nother ball of wax, but while I respect the efforts of the ludicrously underpaid police, and fire department, why am I awalys being cut off by some trooper or county cop that doesn't know what a turn signal is, or why do I always see them tailgating some poor slobe in the fast lane ?
(And of course, like a good, scared little buerger, I turn a blind eye, and roll on. And people wonder how the third reich happened. All it takes is most people being good little buerghers.))

Ah, screw it, it looks like this is going to go waaay of topic, anyway.
So, wasn't there a DEC game, where....

Hey, I did pretty good. I terminated the post one line after realized it was going to "Rant...Space"
Besides, the last time I ranted in the rants, I didn't realize I'd actually have to defend my rant.

shirkahn said:
I always have considered myself a "pragmatist" Friends of mine refer to me as the "Law and order liberal" but according to this quiz I'm a libratarian
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 60%.

mine came up Centrist
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 60%.

If i had to choose i would have said i was a liberal but what ever.
i dont put much stock in this quiz because it's too short.
however my views for the government is they should:
1. (try) keep bad shit from happening
2. have a army strong enough to smack down any MoFo that messes with us (without draft / nukes).
3. stay out of my business & stop policing the world unless they ask for help.
4. Sit there and STFU

shirkahn said:
We recently had a bond issue come up for a vote here in town. The bond was to go for basic services- police, fire, and roads (if you've ever been to Oklahoma you'd know that its just like a third-world country except thier roads are better) and some of my co-workers were agast to discover I had voted against it. My rational is simple- Tulsa already has the highest sales tax in the state (just over 8%) show me the local powers can spend the money wisely and I'll vote to give them more. They've yet to do this in the past few years.
Unfortunatly my fellow citizens of the 3rd Reich..er...Tulsa, didn't have my clarity of vision and the damn thing passed.

where i live we just passed several bonds. the city has a very good track record
about repaying bonds without raising tax's; In fact that was there primary
argument about voting for them is there track record. it passed no problem.
but they are always in a budget crisis untill they uncover some "hidden money"
or they bust some offical that stole a bunch of it only to give it back when
they are caught. We gotta lot of corupt officals. police arent much better
in fact there is this one officer that is always down in a part of town known
for prostitution and a lot of times you'll see him in his car in a alley behind this one
bar with a suspect, he is one hard working cop.