I do not only make simple site mirrorsWhen i first saw this post, first thing i thought was add it to it. Glad you have something in the works. I've done a few ftp backups myself. Always need this kinda data in two locations.
Sorry about the personal situation this has caused you (and so many others). Can you buy gold, GBP or somthing else to retain wealth? Terrible news in general really.
but I try to group and sort information
no currency can be bought now.
in principle, this is already a technical default of the economy.
i can buy gold bullion, but there is a risk that it will be taken away.
may be prohibited from exporting it abroad.
this has already happened in the history of the country.
the situation is very sad
it hurts me very much that our neighbors - Ukrainians, among whom are many of my friends, are now suffering because of a madman in the Kremlin.