Rick Ethridge
Veteran Member
Actually for me it was a book about computers that drew me to them. I had been using the TI-59 programmable calculator and I ran across this book back in 1978 -
It blew me away how you could do so much more, especially manipulating text like MID$, RIGHT$, etc. on a computer compared to the programmable calcs.
When I got to the part in the book that explained arrays I was totally hooked and just had to have a computer.
I bought a Radio Shack Model 1, like this one, and I was in a whole new world.
I'd been interested in computers since 1969 but wasn't sharp enough to make the mainframe terminal. What caught my attention was the TRS-80 Model I in 1979. I liked it so much I put it on lay-away. I still have an almost fully tricked-out one.