Veteran Member
mine is my thinkpad 360Ce. yours?
VCF SoCal | Feb 15 - 16 2025, | Hotel Fera, Orange CA |
VCF East | Apr 04 - 06 2025, | Infoage Museum, Wall NJ |
VCF Southwest | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | University of Texas at Dallas |
VCF Southeast | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | Atlanta, GA |
VCF West | Aug 2025, | CHM, Mountain View, CA |
VCF Midwest | Sep 13 - 14 2025, | Schaumburg, IL |
I always felt a bit nostalgic for the IBM 5155 portable that I owned while at college. Slow, heavy, monochrome - but with a great keyboard. It was a little out-dated even then, but at that time everyone typically used the computer lab - very few students in the dorm had their own computers. The computer lab had the choice of Word or Word Perfect. Why would anyone use Word? Glaring background, slow, busy toolbar, endless font and formatting choices. I liked the visual simplicity of the Word Perfect 5.1 interface (forget about the function keys for a second.. and that's the only choice that ran on my PC. I don't remember the DOS version.I wish I still had it.