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Recent content by ButINeededThatName

  1. B

    Looking for information on this multi-function ISA card I picked up

    So I picked up a 386 system for free off of marketplace over the weekend, and while a Varta battery did what it does best to most of the system, I was able salvage a few bits and pieces, including this 16-Bit ISA card. Looks like your typical I/O and memory expansion adapter with a memory...
  2. B

    IBM PC/5150 Memory Issues

    A strange bug to have, that's for sure. Anyways, I populated each bank one at a time and let the system boot to BASIC and each time I got the "correct" amount (28.5k for two banks, 45k for three) and finally, after populating the fourth, it worked! Prior to this I was getting a 4098 201 error...
  3. B

    IBM CGA Card Artifacting during Read/Writes to the Hard Disk

    Unfortunately this is the only CGA card I have on-hand. So far it has only happened in SpinRite, but I also haven't ran many other programs with "graphics" outside of the DOS Shell. I do have it set to run in 80-Column mode, so that could be it. It's strange that it only happens during the...
  4. B

    IBM PC/5150 Memory Issues

    I recently acquired a "presumed dead" 5150 (64kb-256kb system board) for free earlier this week. Turns out the generic-brand high-wattage PSU someone swapped into it had died, (what an absolute surprise) and swapping in an IBM branded unit brought it right back to life. Since then though, I've...
  5. B

    IBM CGA Card Artifacting during Read/Writes to the Hard Disk

    I've been running SpinRite for the past half-hour and it has made me aware of a very strange issue with my CGA-equipped 5160 (early style IBM CGA adapter), that being that the display gets a nice (un)healthy dose of artifacts that I can only describe as "multi-colored hyphens" whenever the hard...
  6. B

    Midwest WTB - IBM GXT-150 or GXT-100 Graphics Adapter + Riser

    This is probably a longshot with how niche collecting RS/6000 seems to be, but I'm currently trying to track down one of the POWER series graphics adapters for my RS/6000 7011-250. Specifically I'm looking for the version that was designed to slot directly into the 7011's system board (pictured...
  7. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    That did it! They're both detected and working properly now. Honestly, setting them both to the same ID would have been my dead-last guess here. I assumed it functioned similar to MFM and wanted you to increment the drive IDs.
  8. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    Okay, here's where I stand... Both drives successfully low-level formatted using the modified LLFormat.com when connected individually, with their ID set to 2 and the terminator resistor installed. The RefDisk utility correctly shows "(1)ESDI Fixed Disk" and DOS sees each drive. However I still...
  9. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    Aha! It's formatting! Alright, so SpinRite didn't detect the drive at all, which once again left me confused and annoyed. After bumbling around a bit with a couple other utilities, I just decided to try and run the utility provided in the RefDisk again and this time after closing out the...
  10. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    Alright I think I made some progress. So far I've been trying to use the drives with their IDs set to either 0 or 1, because one would assume one of those would naturally be the "starting" ID and you would increment from there for additional drives. Out of curiosity though (or more accurately...
  11. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    That's what I've been trying; Loading the reference diskette, pressing CTRL+SHIFT+A and trying to run the format utility provided on the Reference Diskette. DOS doesn't detect a fixed disk at all. I think I'm starting to see why there aren't many of us around! Between all the work that goes...
  12. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    Alright, I tried using just one drive at a time with the terminator resistor in, tested them once with the ID set to 0 and 1, and I still haven't made any progress. I've also tried three controllers, two later style and one early style. Both of the later style controllers give a 10480 (drive 0...
  13. B

    Issues with formatting an ESDI drive on a PS/2 8560

    Hey all, I'm trying to get my Model 60 up and running, however I've found myself struggling to get the ESDI drives in this system functioning properly. I currently have it configured with two IBM 70Mb ESDI hard disks and the standard IBM ESDI Controller. I've pulled the terminator resistor out...
  14. B

    Issues installing PC-DOS 4.01 onto my IBM 5160

    So I'm currently trying to install PC-DOS 4.01 onto my 5160. I've written both 720k disks, however when prompted to insert the "Install" disk and press enter, setup doesn't seem to recognize the disk. I can still exit the setup and read and run programs off the disk normally, though I would...
  15. B

    IBM 5170 - Trying to get my fixed disk to run as "Drive 0"

    So I've been having a strange issue with my 5170 when trying to set up the hard disk. The system is equipped with the Quatel BIOS and I'm running the original combined floppy / hard drive controller alongside an IBM WD-25 connected to the "C" position on the cable, and I can't seem to get the...