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I like cheese!

I have not read the other posts in this thread, so I thought this would be very relevant.

Thank you.
Ahh, such fertile ground for a rant...don't get me started...

Too late, I'm there...starting with 'Sickness -- Physically and Mentally' (is there a difference?):

At last count, they got me taking 23 - 25 pills a day in 13 different flavors (some are optional, as needed).

That's a lot of drugs for someone who's in as great health as they keep telling me I'm in. Here's the breakdown:

I take one pill for schizophrenia, and another for schizoaffective disorder, which basically means that I have enough symptoms to qualify as schizophrenic, with enough additional symptoms to qualify for a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder, so they give me two anti-psychotics, just to keep me from murdering everyone who crosses me the wrong way. They also give me one pill that targets the manic phase and a whole 'nother one that targets the depression.

I also have chronic pain conditions, including osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, with severe degradation to my spinal column bones, which has also led to degenerative disc disease, so of course, I need pain pills.

Now the fun begins. They give me three different pills for pain, none of which do me any good, but when I tell 'em I need sum'n stronger, they tell me I can't have the really good sh!t because of (possible) interactions with the psych drugs.

It gets better...

Now for the side effects. One or more of the psyche drugs sometimes caused a rise in cholesterol (in my otherwise normal body). So now my cholesterol shoots up to 324, which my doc calls "alarming". She prescribes a cholesterol-lowering drug! Now, after I start taking them, they cause me to have severe heartburn (unbearable, actually). She prescribes a prescription-strength anti-acid (2x a day). Now I take a pill for a side effect, and another for the side-effect of the side-effect pill.

Gets better still...

After a few years of swallering their concoctions, they discover that I'm being depleted of certain vitamins & nutrients (side-effects of several of the other drugs), so now they prescribe three more pills; vitamins and other supplements. So that makes it three more pills for side effects.

That brings the tally up to 5-out-of-13 pills just to control side effects! They call this Medical Science?

I actually believe they're doing me more harm than good, but I don't dare quit cause I know that taking in all this crap (aka, compliance with my treatment program) is the only thing that keeps me out of jail. And when I do have the occasional 'episode', I get 'treated' in a nice, clean bright hospital instead of being thrown into some dingy-ass filthy dungeon somewhere. And, btw, as far as I can tell, I still go psychotic on all these pills just about as often as I do without 'em. They don't prevent the episodes, they just make me as dumb as a sack of hammers the rest of the time.

That's my rant, and I'm sticking to it!

Anyone else wanna step up to the soapbox?

You've got the exactly the same problem as me. hehehe We could call it oleanterrianism. :)

Still, that's a lotta pills. They gotta be good for something though... have you tried smoking them. :p

My strong adversion to doctors, hospitals and pharmacies (apart from H2O2 for de-yellowing) has been vindicated.

But all joking aside, Lucky (for me) I don't have to take any of that crap (yet). My sympathies.

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Terry Yager wrote:

Too late, I'm there...starting with 'Sickness -- Physically and Mentally' (is there a difference?):

Terry - unless you're a Robot or Android (without the emotion chip) there is most certainly a big difference! Physical sickness throws you stamina around big time, though mentally you could still work, but your feelings have been crushed! Having both I can say that I've been Mentally sick while at work!

At last count, they got me taking 23 - 25 pills a day in 13 different flavors (some are optional, as needed).

That's a lot of drugs for someone who's in as great health as they keep telling me I'm in. Here's the breakdown:

I take one pill for schizophrenia, and another for schizoaffective disorder, which basically means that I have enough symptoms to qualify as schizophrenic, with enough additional symptoms to qualify for a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder, so they give me two anti-psychotics, just to keep me from murdering everyone who crosses me the wrong way. They also give me one pill that targets the manic phase and a whole 'nother one that targets the depression.

So by the sounds of things those are all mental sicknesses!

I also have chronic pain conditions, including osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, with severe degradation to my spinal column bones, which has also led to degenerative disc disease, so of course, I need pain pills.

So those are physical sicknesses, but because it's attacking you are the root, their physical disabilities! A Physical sickness could be a virus, flu or just some annoying cold - even a migraine headache is physical - even though it's your brain which is pounding away.

Now the fun begins. They give me three different pills for pain, none of which do me any good, but when I tell 'em I need sum'n stronger, they tell me I can't have the really good sh!t because of (possible) interactions with the psych drugs.

It gets better...

Now for the side effects. One or more of the psyche drugs sometimes caused a rise in cholesterol (in my otherwise normal body). So now my cholesterol shoots up to 324, which my doc calls "alarming". She prescribes a cholesterol-lowering drug! Now, after I start taking them, they cause me to have severe heartburn (unbearable, actually). She prescribes a prescription-strength anti-acid (2x a day). Now I take a pill for a side effect, and another for the side-effect of the side-effect pill.

Gets better still...

After a few years of swallering their concoctions, they discover that I'm being depleted of certain vitamins & nutrients (side-effects of several of the other drugs), so now they prescribe three more pills; vitamins and other supplements. So that makes it three more pills for side effects.

That brings the tally up to 5-out-of-13 pills just to control side effects! They call this Medical Science?

I actually believe they're doing me more harm than good, but I don't dare quit cause I know that taking in all this crap (aka, compliance with my treatment program) is the only thing that keeps me out of jail. And when I do have the occasional 'episode', I get 'treated' in a nice, clean bright hospital instead of being thrown into some dingy-ass filthy dungeon somewhere. And, btw, as far as I can tell, I still go psychotic on all these pills just about as often as I do without 'em. They don't prevent the episodes, they just make me as dumb as a sack of hammers the rest of the time.

That's my rant, and I'm sticking to it!

OMG, You certainly have been through the Wars!! All those conditions you've mentioned are they generic conditions or have you simply had a long hard life this has come to this?

My Dad's on a bit of medication and plus he's on Dialysis, but otherwise he's improved since he's come out of Hospital!! Everything he's been though goes back to when he was a kid! He never really knew his father unfortunately, so those problems could have come from them, as well as having heart bypass, he's got arthritis - unfortunately nobody is really safe against anything when you prone to get generic diseases, but unfortunately that's just the sad reality of life and at best I feel so much better when I'm enjoying life rather than worrying about what will kill me - cause in the end the show will be over for all of us!
Everybody in this house (except for me) is on pills for something or other (my brother and both parents). Mostly I don't think anyone finds cures for anything these days, more money just keeping you going month by month with pills and doctors visits.

I love chocholate too! My parents are Greek Orthodox and their Easter this year is next Sunday. One of the cool things about having a later Easter is that we get to go to Gorants candies money and get everything half off (and lots of it too). Those huge chocholate eggs full of mixed nuts are good, so are the peanut butter ones, heck they are all good.

Extra sharp cheddar is one of my favorite cheeses. I like cheeses in general even if it will clog my arteries. The only thing better than cheese is cheese and bacon and sour cream on potatoes.

Anybody here like food as much as computers? I like grilling and baking all kinds of food (other then fish), plus I like deserts of all kinds. One other good thing about having Greek parents was eating all that lamb, sometimes I think we eat too much meat in general.
CP/M User said:
OMG, You certainly have been through the Wars!! All those conditions you've mentioned are they generic conditions or have you simply had a long hard life this has come to this?


The so-called 'Mental Illness' was first 'diagnosed' in childhood, as was the arthritis.

I've also made a career of abusing Body My House in every imaginable way (Which the shrinks tell me is a manifestation of the MI (of course)).

The distinction between physical and mental illness may not be as clear as you think. All physical ailments cause mental symptoms, (not the least of which is anxiety) and mental illnesses have physical symptoms, including pain (which is as real as any other pain, not imaginary).

Terry Yager wrote:


The so-called 'Mental Illness' was first 'diagnosed' in childhood, as was the arthritis.

I've also made a career of abusing Body My House in every imaginable way (Which the shrinks tell me is a manifestation of the MI (of course)).

The distinction between physical and mental illness may not be as clear as you think. All physical ailments cause mental symptoms, (not the least of which is anxiety) and mental illnesses have physical symptoms, including pain (which is as real as any other pain, not imaginary).

Yeah I believe there are certain degrees where Mental Symptoms would become are heightened beyond what maybe simply be a mild of depression. I had this a few weeks ago after someone attacked me veribally and it took a while to get rid of it and to start being happy and positive again. And I've just stayed away from them since that incident which has helped!

I'm sorry to hear you have so many conditions to deal with Terry, it's just one of Lifes little ways of saying at the end of the day we just have to accept it and live as positively as we can to avoid anxiety! But I'm imaging you as being someone saying "Try saying that when your in my condition!". I guess the more Humor for you the better!!
lutiana wrote:

I like cheese!

Great thanks!

Do you have a preferance in Cheese?

Or do you simply love a good sample of Cheese which has been produced and sold fresh at a local market!

Any cheese will do. I like them all. A good creamy Gouda is nice, Jarlsberg is good with pastrami. Swiss is great to eat in large chunks.

They have this stuff in this country called "American Cheese", but they lie. It is, in fact, cheese flavored plastic and is not very good.
In the cheese rant: I don't know that much about American Cheese but I hate these stupid "singles" which are definitely NOT the same as the traditional (now "deluxe" and more expensive) american cheese. Other than that yeah, cheese makes everything better (guess it's prolly the fat). Diet..um.. dietenarians often tell you if you cut cheese out of your diet along with soda (and prolly beer) you'll lose weight really quickly. It's just the reduction in fat and sugar (cholesterol). I can do the lack of sugar (beer is so-so and I'll just drink liquor once and a while instead) but cheese is one I can't quite kick. I mean really.. burger or potato without cheese or with cheese and there's no argument which tastes better.

Ironically the female guidance unit and I had a big argument over the weekend that included the idea that perhaps we both need medicine for similar crap. Still, I dunno if I can make that big of a jump. It seems like modern medicine these days isn't a resolution for the symptom, it's a cover up solution. Like I wouldn't actually not be depressed (I'd be more scared to get off the meds from what I hear) but it just makes you naive and dopes you to be happy despite the things that are making you depressed.

I dunno about walking around brain-dead instead of being cognizant of my surroundings and problems. Sometimes it seems simpler and better but I don't want to live in an illusion. I had similar drugs for my tourettes when I was younger. All they did was take away energy and make you kinda drugged up. I finally figured they aren't really working, I still have them, my body builds a resistant to the drug, and I'm the one fighting them not the drug anyway so I got off the pills period (most were for people having seizure, etc). I still remember walking down the hall in school and it seemed like I was so far away from my eyes and head, I was just looking out of someone elses body. Wasn't the best feeling or days.