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Apple II on eBay

I'd say it's pretty special. Not that special to me, but maybe to someone. I don't see too many of that model in that condition, with those accessories. It's pretty rare.
It is a 1978 machine with 32KB of RAM, a very low serial number and matching box. The accessories are cool but the boxed machine itself is pretty rare.

I think it IS that special.
Seller is "hemplighter"....

Wait, didn't this guy sell another "special" apple II a while back?
So this one:


Seems very similar, is in very nice condition as well, has an earlier serial number, and even has a Disk II drive, but no box - but is ONLY $1,000. I have heard that the original box with matching serial number often commands a premium. Is that the only difference?

Plus, with the $5k one, all those other accessories are interesting, but don't seem worth it to me. I mean, a Realistic tape player? Come on. The sample tapes with software seem interesting, but hardly worth the extra. Seems to me the $$$ is going to the box.

I do see one other difference. The $5k one has an different power light, which I'm not sure I've seen before.
The $1k one has an RFI motherboard, gold power supply, Applesoft ROMs and later keyboard, so it's not worth nearly as much. Other than the case having a low serial number, it's basically a mass-produced 1980-1983 Apple ][ plus.

This one sold with a BIN of $1500: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151363255508

It has the correct keyboard for late 1979 production, silver power supply, revision 4 motherboard, Applesoft ROM card, Integer ROMs on the motherboard, early rainbow-cabled non-RFI Disk ][ drives and all (only the monitor is later), so it was a good deal for $1500.
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Funny this should come up. I just got an Apple II today that has a Rev 3 motherboard with a date code of 7829 and this one has a date code of 7849 so they are probably pretty close in parts (only 20 weeks difference). I would guess this is a Rev 3 as well with a one piece keyboard. I also have the raised power key light. The odd part is that the one in the auction is serial number 12217. Mine is 31271. If it's serial number 12217, it should have an older date code motherboard but maybe the serial numbers weren't sequential by date?
The $1k one has an RFI motherboard, gold power supply, Applesoft ROMs and later keyboard, so it's not worth nearly as much. Other than the case having a low serial number, it's basically a mass-produced 1980-1983 Apple ][ plus.

This one sold with a BIN of $1500: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151363255508

It has the correct keyboard for late 1979 production, silver power supply, revision 4 motherboard, Applesoft ROM card, Integer ROMs on the motherboard, early rainbow-cabled non-RFI Disk ][ drives and all (only the monitor is later), so it was a good deal for $1500.

I never heard of the RFI motherboard or power supply thing. Good stuff to consider. Thank you.
Funny this should come up. I just got an Apple II today that has a Rev 3 motherboard with a date code of 7829 and this one has a date code of 7849 so they are probably pretty close in parts (only 20 weeks difference). I would guess this is a Rev 3 as well with a one piece keyboard. I also have the raised power key light. The odd part is that the one in the auction is serial number 12217. Mine is 31271. If it's serial number 12217, it should have an older date code motherboard but maybe the serial numbers weren't sequential by date?

It could be that the 7849 motherboard is a replacement, due to an early failure, or possibly swapped to implement the color killer or other updates.
The one that sold BIN for $1500 has been relisted for $1200, I'm not sure why: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151370991758

I've had several eBay sales go bad because the idiot nimrod nincompoop "Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búb-hosh skai" buyer just ignored statements like "DO NOT SHIP OVERSEAS", or basically won the auction and then said, "I don't have the money", or something equally infuriating.
At least the Apple II Pluses are still at sane price levels. The great thing is that the II+ offers everything the II can do and more without any compatibility issues or functional changes beyond the cosmetic.
The most usable early Apple is an Apple ][ with Applesoft ROMs and a 16k language card, then you can run basic.system on ProDOS.

My ][ has the Integer ROMs and a genuine Apple 16k language card, for an authentic experience, but with Autostart ROM on the language card. I can run Prodos apps that are compatible, but not basic.system.
That is the one knock against a true Apple ][, its lack of Applesoft in ROM will cause it to fail to work with many, many programs. I am aware of no program that requires an Integer ROM machine with a 16KB Language Card.