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AT2XT keyboard converter

I was using the official XGecu software 12.66A (latest) from here: http://www.xgecu.com/en/download.html (The T48 is a chinese programmer for a lot of EEPROMs, PICs an others; very common, usually works well). The HEX file from the AT2XT contained 0x3FD4 for the configuration word.
This value should not enable any protection, according to this: https://gputils.sourceforge.io/html-help/PIC12F629-conf.html

Also, whats confusing: The programming specification says "The ID locations and the configuration word read out in an unprotected fashion", but I'm getting zeros for them as well.
BLUF: You probably destroyed OSCCAL and maybe a few other locations.

This was a regular problem for the 12F629/675 - Search for "destroyed osccal 12f629" or something similar and you will see many discussions and tales of woe. Essentially, you needed to save it and put it back during programming. Take a look at the datasheet page 52 in that version. Read ALL of the notes.

Eventually, Microchip software and programmers handled the situation pretty well, IMO. I went from the old PICSTART to a PICKIT3 (likely a clone) and now to a PICKIT4 and, while it was a long road, I think it is a fine programmer.

If you look at the asm listing (Version 0.94, January, 2011), the configuration bits are:


Comparing them to your configuration word, they appear to have been handled ok by your programmer. Code Protect is not the problem.

Advise that you dig deep into your programming manual and see if there is anything about OSCCAL saving.....try something else. That's my two cents.
I was using the official XGecu software 12.66A (latest) from here: http://www.xgecu.com/en/download.html (The T48 is a chinese programmer for a lot of EEPROMs, PICs an others; very common, usually works well). The HEX file from the AT2XT contained 0x3FD4 for the configuration word.
This value should not enable any protection, according to this: https://gputils.sourceforge.io/html-help/PIC12F629-conf.html

Also, whats confusing: The programming specification says "The ID locations and the configuration word read out in an unprotected fashion", but I'm getting zeros for them as well.
I think xgecu has some issue with latest few update, as my T56 also had trouble with PIC12F629, but it was ok before software update.

I also have a TL866II, and it works with their latest xgpro software(v12.66) with PIC12F629. my T56 always report failed after programing PIC12F629 with this software version but same software TL866II works fine.

I know it sucks, but i would suggest you to downgrade the software to try it.
In post #493 of the AT2XTKB development thread, member schnurzel posted some alternative code for the AT2XTKB.
The link to that post is [here].
In the later posts of #499 and #528, other members reported that the alternative code fixed some issues.
Maybe you should try that code.
This Prince of Persia shift issue still there, i also tried #493 ver of firmware. As I just built one micro 8088 and play this game, the shift+left and shift+right just not work correctly in the game, but signal shift key works in the game.

BTW, thanks to sergey made this wonderful micro 8088, i love it.