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Close to the northpole


New Member
Sep 4, 2004
It's nice to see that I am not the only one who spend ours in the basement trying to get old computers up and running!

I am from the arctic norway - about 70 degrees north and close to the russian border. I have been 'hooked' to the computers since my brother got his first C-64 . While he and the others played games I spent time programming in basic. Still I use to spend X-mas and easter with long night in front of the old C-64.

Nowadays I mostly use a modern PC running Linux, but when I really want to have a good time I bring a beer down in the basement and start up my 286 with 640kb and play with them.

4 years ago I throwed away most of my old PC's (and a Mac) and now I feel terrible for that.

I have just started to collect again and I only have some 286, 386 and a C-64. My dreams is to get some soviet computers, but they are very rare. I have been planning to travel to Murmansk or Nilkel in Russia to see if I can get some old ones (its only a couple of ours in the car).

I have to say that it was nice to find this forum so that I could feel more 'normal' - and now I can tell my wife that collecting old 'crap' is not so unormal. :D

By the way, 35 years and living in Norway (Vadsø)

Arne Lindbach
It sounds like you have a fun basement!

Welcome to the forums!



There's at least 500 of us here who'll attest that collecting old computers is perfectly normal behavior. Would it help if we all sent your wife an email?

Now Terry, you know what happened the last time you did that... Some people just can't stand grown men in superhero costumes standing next to a vacuum tube display that spells SUPER VALVE in glowing filaments...


Arne, welcome to the board!

Thanks for the support

Thanks for the support

Hi again,

I have to say that the idea of 500 mails in the mailbox is rather tempting - lol.

Well, nice to have found the forum. It gives a new dimension to the hobby, much more fun - and much more online information!

Last night I put up a pc 286/640kb - no hd with Elks linux. I worked so well, that I cant wait to get back from work today!

Does anyone no if there is an worldwide organised part of amature PC collectores (would impress my wife even more!).

And sorry for my crappy english :)

Thanks again

Arne :)
Hallo and stuff

Hallo and stuff

Hey Arne,


and if you end up searching for old gear in Russia,
keep an eye out for calculators.

MK-61, 52, 54, 85 or 87 would be cool ;)

I'd be glad to purchase some older soviet calcs if you find any
and pay for shipping to California ;)

I will keep my eyes open and try to make some connections.

When the russian sellers comes to down next time I will try to ask if they have possiblities to get some cheap old calcultors - pc's.

Unfortunaly the arctic winter will soon be over us, and then there will not be so many sellers before next summer, but lets see what happens!

best regards,

Arne :)
found an MK-61

found an MK-61

I actualy tried eBay again and got an MK-61 for a reasonable price.

that's the one I really wanted ;)
