Hi Aristotle just as I thought, your fuse body has split in two thus allowing the inside tube to be exposed.
On your photo the fuse holder should be attached to the rest of the Bakelite that is inside the chassis.
Yours is in three pieces instead of two. You should only have a fuse body and a fuse cap.
You need a new panel mount fuse like the one in my posting( the ebay link).
That could be why your fuse obliterated as the live metal tube isn't being insulated by the Bakelite.
It's touching the chassis!
To get to the rest of the fuse inside you may need move the transformer assembly if you do:-
Then I find it easier to take the mainboard out making a note of the plug positions of the cables.
Disconnect the earth wires at the back of the chassis near the transformer, the undo the four nuts underneath the chassis that hold the transformer to
the chassis. (cut the cable ties on the large capacitor if you want more room)
Note two wires(brown if I remember rightly) are still soldered to the transformer to the monitor so be careful when moving the transformer assembly.
The cables to the fuse holder are soldered so you'll need to get the iron out!:D
Don't forget to make a note of the cables to which parts of the fuse holder they go.