I'm a long-time electronics & software dabbler. Vintage computers & TVs come under that category, although following a post-retirement house move & major clearout I have few such objects left at home. I've worked a lot with PDPs and VAXen in the past, and more recently I spent many years at Sun, so have a fair bit of experience in those areas. I do have a PDP-11/73 at home which I'm trying to get running after it's spent 25 years in a cupboard! Don't have much Sun stuff now, when I left I returned most of what I had back to the office but over the years I had 386i, 3/80, various SPARCstations (1+, 5, 10, 20, etc). Somewhere in my loft is an Amiga 2000, the first computer I bought new, and I still have a great fondness for ICL 1900-series systems & George 3 from my University days.