Experienced Member
Ah, yes. The logo looks much better now. (as compared to directly after the upgrade)
VCF SoCal | Feb 15 - 16 2025, | Hotel Fera, Orange CA |
VCF East | Apr 04 - 06 2025, | Infoage Museum, Wall NJ |
VCF Southwest | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | University of Texas at Dallas |
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VCF Midwest | Sep 13 - 14 2025, | Schaumburg, IL |
An excellent idea, if everyone who posts would use it...If you hit "go advanced" you'll be taken to the advanced post editor which does seem to have a bigger font.
A good temporary work-around, but who wants to [Ctrl][+] and [Crtl][-] each time they enter and exit the website?You've always got the browser magnification (Ctrl + in most browsers.)
..........I'm pretty sure all of the old messages from the previous version of the forum were moved over. If you can't find a specific one please let me know.
I have a small question.
When I click "New Posts", I'd like to be able to mark all of the threads as read. There are many topics that I'm not particularly interested in reading.
I found that under the Forum Actions link, it marks all forums as read. Had to hunt for that one.
So what does it do???Ah, thanks--I found it.
lol That'll be the day.I'm running FF 3.5.6 and when I click the "Mark Forum Read", all of the icons go to the gray "read" state. Ole, are you on a Mac or something?
Question: is there an easy way to flag a topic as spam?
That depends on the browser. It's almost 4 am here so I won't check all the browsers right now, but Opera shows the icon and FireFox does not. As I mentioned earlier this software seems extremely sensitive to browsers.Not as clear as it used to be maybe, but there should be a little icon at the bottom of the post.
I run mostly Linux and FreeBSD, I can't afford the MS software and can't stomach the EULA.Ole Juul, what version are you running? From your post earlier, are you running a Linux box?