UPDATE: oscilloscope acquired!!!!
I have just returned home with a hitatchi v-212!!!! I need to order new probes as the one I am using is VERY janky, but that is not an issue.
will test on ozzy and send results,
question: how does one test the signals needed to be tested?
There should probably be a few good articles on stickies on how to repair old computers and use test equipment.
Anyway, your first test is to make sure all the signals are present and accounted for, and they look correct -ie, you have vertical and horizontal signals, and video data signals, and they look correct heading out to the monitor.
You should also have working brightness and contrast signals from the pots and 12v and ground ( though nothing would work if either 12v or ground was missing ).
To test, get familiar with how the oscilloscope works - be careful not to short pins when using it. Especially when there's 12v around. 12v to a data pin will kill it real quick.
You will need to understand the sweep time ( horizontal divisions ) and the voltage per division. Also, reading up a little on what video signals look like will help.
There's a thead here with related video issues ( on a Kaypro, but a lot of the basics are the same )
I have an Osborne Exec out at the moment, so if you need reference signals to compare against, check against, let me know.
Once you've confirmed you have sync and video, and the contrast/brightness work, then you move onto testing the monitor.