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Pound for pound the best mainframe

I was reading a manual for the Whirlwind I the other day and was amused to discover that they called the structures that held the core memory (this was a 1956 manual, postdating the replacement of the original electrostatic tube memory) the “shower stalls”.
I was reading a manual for the Whirlwind I the other day and was amused to discover that they called the structures that held the core memory (this was a 1956 manual, postdating the replacement of the original electrostatic tube memory) the “shower stalls”.

And here's one of them, in the MIT museum and its descendant from the SAGE system.

Control Data still developed new CYBER series mainframes in the early to mid 80s. Last I worked on one was 1988.
The IBM 4300 was released in the early 80s. The 3090 mid to late 80s.
All these were physically large mainframes.
Actually into the 1990s for Cyber.
I've always been fascinated by the seemingly immortal mainframe lineage birthed by the IBM System/360. From the start S/360 was conceived as a scalable family going all the way from very large mainframes down to (at the time) fairly modest almost-minicomputers, and it also had as a design goal to unify the split between IBM's "Business" and "Scientific" mainframe lines. (Up to this point IBM had built completely different and incompatible machines for different kinds of applications.) As a result the S/360 ended up as an incredibly flexible modular platform, that even had the capacity to emulate some of their older mainframe lines using a combination of software and loadable microcode.

The architecture pioneered a lot of things which became industry standards, like eight bit bytes, 32-bit words, byte-addressable memory, etc. The S/360, starting with the Model 67, also introduced the concept of address translation and virtual memory to IBM mainframes; it didn't become standard until the System/370 in the 1970's, but as a result of it IBM's mainframes became all about using virtualization to allow a single machine to run different generations of software and even multiple different operating systems simultaneously. Software written for the S/360 will still run on a modern zArchitecture IBM mainframe thanks to virtualization, and of course we wouldn't have the modern concept of cloud computing without it either.
Sorry for the thread necrophilia, but I agree about the 360 and its successors.

You could get a system that was between something that filled several rooms* (the 360/95, for example) to something that could sit in an office (9370) to something that went in your PC (AT/370). Everything from discrete transistors and diodes all the way through complex modules with millions of transistors per IC. And hardware that can still (mostly) run the original software is still being made.

* There's a scene in the movie "Hidden Figures" where the (pre-360) computer wouldn't fit through the door and they wound up knocking down part of the wall to get it into the room. That may be apocryphal, but there are several real-world cases, including one I dealt with personally.