At that time it was generally sneered upon by those in the computer science community for being unstructured, inelegant and allowing spaghetti code...a "toy" language.
Most of those claims I felt came later -- the spaghetti code one I heard a lot and my response was always "Oh, nothing like Assembler..."
But that's the same as the bullshit you got from C asshats who kept saying C was "closer to how assembly worked" which of course is 100% BULLSHIT. Never understood where they got that claim from but Christmas on a cracker it's parroted a LOT, even today.
You want snobbery? Try being a Pascal programmer. All kinds of C snobs always preaching the supposed superiority of C.
Which was aggravating when their "not my favorite language" bullshit was filled with misinformation, what little truth there was to it was a decade or more out of date, and their favorite pet language was needlessly and pointlessly cryptic, aggravatingly vague, and pretty much DESIGNED to make developers make mistakes.
Again, there's a reason I'm not entirely convinced this is a joke:
But then, in the circles I was in during the late 70's through to the early '90's, NOBODY gave a flying **** about C on anything less than a mainframe platform. It just wasn't used and I really wonder what planet other people who say it was used were on... From what I saw it sure as shine-ola wasn't used on any MICROCOMPUTER platforms until the 386 came along for any serious project since C compilers were fat bloated overpriced toys -- relegating them to being about as useful as the toy that was interpreted BASIC.
I never found the limitations of even the interpreted BASICs terribly limiting.
That's really where BASIC got the "toy" label IMHO, it was FAR too limited in speed to do anything I wanted to do on any platform I ever had in the 8 bit and even early 16 bit era.
For me in the late '70's and early '80's was looking at every language higher than assembly and realizing "This is for lazy ****'s who don't want to write real software". Yes, even Pascal got that label from me. Interpreters were too slow on the hardware I had access too for anything more complex than DONKEY.BAS, compilers cost thousands, came on more floppies than I had drives, and took an hour of swapping disks just to compile a "hello world" that wouldn't even fit into a COM file.
(since unlike the effete elitists with deep pockets we didn't have hard drives and were writing software to run OFF floppy drives or even cassette from systems that only HAD floppies.)
... and I still remember the compiler that flipped that attitude around 180 degrees, and anyone who knows anything about '80's compilers can guess EXACTLY what compiler for which language I'm referring to.
Of course, my recent adventure into trying to use C for a PCJr target only further drove me away from C... to the point I was walking around downtown muttering "****ing gonna shove C up K&R's arse" under my breath. I still say C exists for the sole purpose of perpetuating the myth that programming is hard; a kind of elitist circle-jerk to exclude certain types of thinkers from even having a chance in the field. How the hell it caught on as the norm or even desirable still escapes my understanding -- though admittedly I say the same thing about *nix and posixisms so... YMMV.
In any case, by the time BASIC matured away from line numbers and had compilers, there was NOTHING it offered I couldn't get from better faster compilers that made smaller faster executables with cleaner code syntax. I wasn't likely to migrate away from Turbo Pascal for QuickBasic, that would have been thirty steps backwards. It would be like migrating back to clipper after having moved from DBase3 to Paradox or Access.
BASIC was a cute toy, but pathetically crippled to the point of being near useless for writing any real software in the timeframe it was "standard in ROM". EVERYTHING I ever encountered for "commercial" software written with it reeked of ineptly coded slow as molasses in February junk.
Though there are some ... I don't know how to word it. Something about certain software from the 'look and feel' perspective makes my brain scream "cheap junk". I knee-jerk into "what is this crap" mode and most always it seems related to the language being used to build the program. BASIC has always had that for me where you can usually TELL its BASIC, and the only way around that seems to be to lace it so heavily with machine language, you might as well have just written it with assembly only. Clipper was another one that just gave me this "rinky cheap half-assed" feeling... which for all my hatred of C, I never got that feeling from stuff written in C.
That 'feeling' lives on today quite well the moment I see anything web related written using ASP. You can just tell, the way the UI feels half-assed, flips the bird at the WCAG, and the agonizingly slow page loads from too many DOM elements, pointless code-bloat crap visual studio just slops in there any-old-way, etc, etc... Whatever it was that made BASIC feel like a rinky cheap toy seems to live on in the majority of what people create using the WYSIWYG aspect of Microsofts Visual Studio.
You'd almost think one of VS's build options is to use VB.NET