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Unofficial Mirror of Some Defunct DOS/Windows 3.x Related Sites


Mar 18, 2014
San Francisco Bay Area, California

It is a collection of old sites (two so far) that I once found useful. However, they've since gone offline. The Wayback Machine has them, but that's an imperfect solution, because it breaks with very old browsers (I think; I'll have to double check).

Therefore, I've decided to resurrect these sites so I can have local copies of them. Then I thought it might be fun to try hosting them, so I set up a VM running MS-DOS 6.22 and EZ-NOS 2, and copied the sites in.

It's still not perfect, but it's better. I probably won't keep it up indefinitely, because I worry that the former owners (or relative thereof) will see them and go, "who's hosting my site without permission? I need to tell them to take it down!"

But they're here for now, so enjoy them while you can :)

Maybe I should make it password-protected?

I probably won't keep it up indefinitely, because I worry that the former owners (or relative thereof) will see them and go, "who's hosting my site without permission? I need to tell them to take it down!"
I've had a few of those emails back when I was on an ISP that let me host from home and I kept a few defunct sites active on a server. I mainly told them that unless they put the site up themselves they could get stuffed.
Sorry for my absence.

My IP's been offline because there was a fire and I had to evacuate. Of course, the power went out all the while, so no servers.

Anyway, all's well once again (aside from some scorched scenery), and I'm planning on getting the sites up again within the next day or two.

I've had a few of those emails back when I was on an ISP that let me host from home and I kept a few defunct sites active on a server. I mainly told them that unless they put the site up themselves they could get stuffed.
Hmm, OK. Well, I don't want any legal trouble, so if someone wants me to take it down, I'll take it down until I can work out some kind of deal with them.

But until then...

Sorry to hear about a fire, I hope no one was hurt.

Website is still timing out for me.
As far as I know, no one was hurt, fortunately (although I believe one house was lost).

Should be up now, as I loaded it a few minutes ago.

Tested working on my phone's LTE connection.

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As far as I know, no one was hurt, fortunately (although I believe one house was lost).

Should be up now, as I loaded it a few minutes ago.

Tested working on my phone's LTE connection. c

Your site is STILL down. :(
@Trixter: Maybe, but it wouldn't be as fun!

@Agent Orange, @Stone: Yes, I'm sorry about that. My computer's been acting up, so I've had to mess with it all day to get it to work right.

I think I have!

*hopefully* it's online now?

Thank you awful kindly for saving this stuff.

I wish there were more repositories of vintage warez, shareware, for pc's and all other computers. Warez in a generic sense, I don't mean illegal evil downloads.

Remember Compuserve? I don't, but most everyone who was alive remembers Cshow and associated graphic files.
Well realistically, "warez" WAS pirated software. :)

If you're after shareware or other software collections, you can't beat the CD-ROM collection at archive.org - https://archive.org/details/cd-roms?&sort=-publicdate. That link is everything in one shot - there's a curated "Shareware" archive that includes a ton of ISOs of the Walnut Creek, Nightowl, and other CD-ROM collections.

CC_333: I sincerely hope you and your home make it through the fires! How large are the two sites? (what sites are they?)


geneb: Fortunately, everything's safe. As of this writing the fire is the 2nd largest in California state history, which is impressive.

I had archived a few other sites, and the largest two are Dosghost and Oldfiles.org.uk.

Of course, I'm still stuck 120 miles away, so I can't get at my server.

When this is all over, would any of you consider holding onto an archive of it for me? I'll keep one myself of course, but having backups in various places increases its chance of survival in the event something like this happens.

Prayers and blessings for those afflicted by catastrophes. Preserving people (and animals) is most important. But I'll just take a moment to point out it doesn't take a lot of money to protect certain belongings from fires. There's a product on ebay and elsewhere known as Kaowool. Haven't used it yet, but I'm of the persuasion that small items (several hard drives, a box of dvds) wrapped in the stuff should easily withstand the temperatures of a house fire. Of course more investigation might be needed. Items would also needed to be protected from falling debris, water, chemicals. It all seems doable though. No one needs to lose their life or health and well being, but certain belongings deserve protection especially when it's easy.
geneb: Great! Once I regain access to the files, I'll pack them up and send them to you.

2icebitn: Yeah, safety has been our #1 priority through all this. It was a very hard thought, but I was willing to accept the very real possibility that our house (and numerous valuables contained therein) would be reduced to a mangled pile of ashes.

Thank the heavens it didn't happen, but it's still been hard.

Now that things are settling down, I can start getting back to this project.

Hopefully in the not to distant future, things will begin to return to normal.
