Use this thread when you come upon something that you need help identifying.
VCF SoCal | Feb 15 - 16 2025, | Hotel Fera, Orange CA |
VCF East | Apr 04 - 06 2025, | Infoage Museum, Wall NJ |
VCF Southwest | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | University of Texas at Dallas |
VCF Southeast | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | Atlanta, GA |
VCF West | Aug 2025, | CHM, Mountain View, CA |
VCF Midwest | Sep 13 - 14 2025, | Schaumburg, IL |
I agree it's pretty close, but why the little circle for the space bar space? how would a person use the keyboard inside of the enclosure? Must have been for a custom purpose, a museum or something.
Yep, As far as i can tell that's what its from. But, now you've won the prize of paying the shipping to Canada
Do you want it? if not I'll stick it in the For Sale section.