Veteran Member
Hi all I'm looking for a way I could try writing a simple basic program for the ZX-81 on a PC (maybe just use notepad++, or notepadqq in my case since I'm using Linux) and then something that will convert that to the tokens the ZX-81 would be expecting and make a file I could put into an emulator for testing and eventually convert that to a wav file for recording to cassette.
I have found various ZX-81 emulators but working within those is not any easier than using a real ZX-81 for example I want to type "P-R-I-N-T" not hit "P" and have the keyword "PRINT" come out because I'm going to be spending more time hunting around for the key that has the desired keyword than if I had just typed the word.
Also a lot of emulators lack support for saving since they're really just designed as a way to run already existing software.
I have found various ZX-81 emulators but working within those is not any easier than using a real ZX-81 for example I want to type "P-R-I-N-T" not hit "P" and have the keyword "PRINT" come out because I'm going to be spending more time hunting around for the key that has the desired keyword than if I had just typed the word.
Also a lot of emulators lack support for saving since they're really just designed as a way to run already existing software.