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MACRO-80 3.44 09-Dec-81 PAGE 1
org 0
Q 0000' 97 sub a,b
0001' 90 sub b
0002' 80 add a,b
O 0003' C6 00 add b
0005' 88 adc a,b
O 0006' CE 00 adc b
0008' 98 sbc a,b
O 0009' DE 00 sbc b
0000 org 0
0000 80 add a,b
0001 80 add b
0002 88 adc a,b
0003 88 adc b
0004 90 sub a,b
0005 90 sub b
0006 98 sbc a,b
0007 98 sbc b
0008 A0 and a,b
0009 A0 and b
000A A8 xor a,b
000B A8 xor b
000C B0 or a,b
000D B0 or b
000E B8 cp a,b
000F B8 cp b
0010 end
Can't explain the inconsistency, the MicroSoft's M80 from 1981 certainly shows it:
Code:MACRO-80 3.44 09-Dec-81 PAGE 1 .z80 org 0 Q 0000' 97 sub a,b 0001' 90 sub b 0002' 80 add a,b O 0003' C6 00 add b 0005' 88 adc a,b O 0006' CE 00 adc b 0008' 98 sbc a,b O 0009' DE 00 sbc b end
Haven't spent any time thinking about it, but perhaps it was one of those "bug-for-bug compatibility" things. Note, in none of these examples I tried did both syntax work.
0100 SUB A
0101 SUB B
0102 ADD A,B
0103 ADD A,00
0105 ADC A,B
0106 ADC A,00
0108 SBC A,B
0109 SBC A,00
0100 org 100H
0100 80 add b
0101 80 add 0
That describes the pattern, but does not explain the logic/rationale. Parsers are perfectly capable of understanding the difference between 16-bit and 8-bit operands, so I don't really see why it had to be that way. It appears that Zilog started it all, at least their CPU documentation shows the anomaly. Unless Microsoft was contracted by Zilog to produce the first Z80 assembler and just did it that way for other reasons, so Zilog documentation followed that lead.geowar1 has already given you the answer...
If there are both 8 and 16 bit instructions using the same mnemonic (e.g. ADD, ADC, SBC) the 'A' operand should be present.
If there is only an 8 bit instruction (e.g. SUB) the 'A' operand should not be present.
Therefore, ADD, ADC and SBC should have the 'A' for the 8-bit incarnation of the instruction.
The SUB doesn't require the 'A', because there is no 16-bit SUB instruction (only a SBC - which does require the 'A').
This doesn't mean that Microsoft and Digital Research (and others) coded their assembler products correctly of course.
Right, there may have been some logic to it, but I just don't see it, yet. To me, the inconsistency was not necessary. Either "sub a,b" (etc) could have been chosen or else "sbc b" and "sbc bc" could have been chosen. Things like this just reinforce my personal dislike of Zilog mnemonics.>>> That describes the pattern, but does not explain the logic/rationale. Parsers are perfectly capable of understanding the difference between 16-bit and 8-bit operands, so I don't really see why it had to be that way.
The fact that there is a pattern implies (to me at least) that this was an internal design decision rather than a random 'throw of the dice'. We may never know (of course) whether this is true or not though...
The syntax may have originated internally to ensure a source code upgrade path with future Zilog processors.
Yeah, same here… it's the 8080 mnemonics that seem absurd to me.I grew up with the Z80 and the Zilog mnemonics - so it just seems 'normal' to me...
The Intel mnemonics actually follow the machine language architecture, so they always make more sense to me. I started out on 8080, and always used the DRI tools. So, when Z80 came along, used Z80.LIB to get Z80 instructions. Zilog mnemonics "hide" the underlying asymmetry of the machine language architecture, so did not make sense to me.Yeah, same here… it's the 8080 mnemonics that seem absurd to me.
BTW: ZASM4 handles both syntaxes. (<>)
At the risk of reopening the whole "Intel vs Zilog mnemonics" war, I'll just say that when I first saw Zilogs mnemonics I thought "cool". But then I saw things like that "ld" was a crude catch-all for all move, load, and store operations. Plus, the mnemonics imply a symmetry that does not exist (you can do "sbc a,b" but not "sbc h,b", etc ad nausium). You basically still need to know the underlying machine language in order to program effectively, so I just chose to stick with Intel mnemonics where that architecture was obvious.To be honest, I really like the simplicity of ld x,y and I've always thought I'd be more comfortable with z80 assembly. Not that I'm very good at either 8080/z80. I guess I was hoping for the simplicity of consistency here and I don't see why they wouldn't have just made them all consistently the same. If they are operating on a, why not have it say "xor a,b" as that makes more sense.