I've brought back to life an old project of mine, a SystemVerilog implementation of the Bendix G-15. The core G-15, that is the circuitry housed in the main cabinet including the CPU and I/O processor, are complete except for debugging. This portion of the project can be synthesized or simulated. It's relatively small, when synthesized occupying <25% of an Artix A15. Individual drum tracks are implemented as large (3132 bits for long tracks) shift registers.
For simulation purposes, I've implemented a SystemVerilog paper tape reader including relay control logic. Likewise, I've implemented a power-on sequencer that steps the core through start-up. So far I can read the first block of Paul Pierce's 'bxtst.pt' into M19, but find that the sign bit of every word in the track is set. I chased that for a day until I found that flip-flop OS never gets reset after the first 'minus' character on the tape. It turns out that G15 tapes must have a 'tab' or 'cr' character paired with each 'minus' character to reset flip=flop OS, but the 'bxtst.pt' tape contains no 'tab' or 'cr' characters.
So, I'm thinking that 'bxtst.pt' lost those characters somewhere along the line, possibly in the conversion process from physical paper tape. Today's project is to re-insert those characters as required producing a "fixed" 'bxtst.pt'.