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In a thread elsewhere in [DEC] (here: dealing with historical uses for these machines, DougSnyder mentioned that Atari had used the PDP-11/20 to cross-assemble games. If you follow this trail, it indirectly leads to some stories here:
The thread didn't dive into it, but I thought it might be an interesting topic. So, I did a little digging and found two interesting things. First, there was a 6502 cross assembler in the DECUS archive (ASM65, DECUS# 110520), but it doesn't seem to be archived anywhere. Then, I came across this book, "A Cross-assembler for the 6502 Microprocessor, with the PDP-11 as Host Computer and the SYM-1 as the Target Microcomputer" by Khin Nyan Chu. I can't find an ISBN, nor does it seem to be archived anywhere.
I have an 11/23 in the basement and how cool would it be to re-compile an Atari 2600 game and run it on Stella...I think it would be a cool project.
In a thread elsewhere in [DEC] (here: dealing with historical uses for these machines, DougSnyder mentioned that Atari had used the PDP-11/20 to cross-assemble games. If you follow this trail, it indirectly leads to some stories here:
The thread didn't dive into it, but I thought it might be an interesting topic. So, I did a little digging and found two interesting things. First, there was a 6502 cross assembler in the DECUS archive (ASM65, DECUS# 110520), but it doesn't seem to be archived anywhere. Then, I came across this book, "A Cross-assembler for the 6502 Microprocessor, with the PDP-11 as Host Computer and the SYM-1 as the Target Microcomputer" by Khin Nyan Chu. I can't find an ISBN, nor does it seem to be archived anywhere.
I have an 11/23 in the basement and how cool would it be to re-compile an Atari 2600 game and run it on Stella...I think it would be a cool project.