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What's the rarest thing you have/had? How much is it worth?

Well to be honest, I never heard of that exatron drive :). but it looks good :).

I heard only twice before about the Lobo MAX 80.....never saw it just heard about it :). Thanks for putting a picture to the name :). what's it's specs?
billdeg said:
I have the original prototype TRS-80 Model 4, with original blue prints. This was the test model submitted to Tandy before being put into production. The unit has no FCC sticker, and does not have the port map, or S/N. THe keyboard is all white. there is only one of these, eh?

Makes my Model 4 look shabby. Bravo!
Really, that's the first Lobo I've ever seen too. Doesn't seem to be any others anywhere on daNet. I've got an LNW80 (yet another TRS-80 clone) here, if anyone is interested in viewing a pic. I'll drag it out later and snap it. (It actually belongs to pat_scc, another member of these forums, I'm just storing it for him).

Lobo Max 80 / LNW80

Lobo Max 80 / LNW80

I will put up some better LOBO photos when I have the chance. The computer works, but I don't have (or have not found) the boot disk that goes with for the matching 8" disk drive. I have not actually used the Lobo. I may be able to hack in with the stringy floppy.

In additon to what was pictured I also have a Lobo hard drive, MAX 80 manuals, etc. My copy of the manuals states that it is a "pre-release." I am pretty sure the hard ware was an evaluation unit because of the letters I found in the box. The hard drive did not come with it's own power supply, this had to be fashioned separately.

Terry - your link to the LNW80 is not working, check the link. I would love to see it, they are pretty rare.

The shelf that I store the Model 4's looks bent, but it's sturdy! 8)
Where did you put your picture, in which folder of your webspace?

from what I know default.html/picturename.jpg shouldn't work....maybe it's default/picture.jpg

Depending on where you put it on your webspace we'll be able to syntaxically correct your link ;-)
here is what you need:

1. what is the url of your web site home page? It's going to be something like webpages.charter.net/[yourusername]/
2. what is the name of the image file, exactly?
3. did you create a directory to upload the image, or did you simply upload to the root of your hosting account?

what is your charter.net username? substitute tyager (my guess) for the correct username below and you'll probably get the link to work, assuming you uploaded to the root of your hosting account:

What was happening is that even though I'm logged into my own page, when I u/l the files, charter.net dumps them into her default directory for some reason. Hmmmnn...

That is weird yes....is her folder inside your webspace? or does she have her own? if she has her own then they might have switched your two accounts....