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So who cooks?


25k Member
Jan 11, 2007
Pacific Northwest, USA
Today is US Thanksgiving Day, a time to eat more than is good for one and to watch sports on TV.

I've been up early getting things going for this evening's dinner where we have a small crowd to partake of our excess.

In our household, I do the cooking--it's always been that way.

I love to cook--it's another way of expressing myself. Like music, it seems to pair up nicely with computer programming and design. Today is my day to shine--or commit mass murder.

How many other forum members enjoy cooking?
In my family, certain people are responsible for certain items. I make pies and the turkey. I cook regularly, but I generally don't enjoy it much. That being said, I make a turkey that you carve with a spoon. :mrgreen:
I do the cooking as the wife can burn water. My mom wouldn't let me out into the world without the ability to feed myself and others. :)

I mastered the art of cooking frozen pizzas in the microwave. :)

While I don't celebrate Thanksgiving for obvious reasons, I cook my own food most days. Once in a while I follow a recipe, but most of the time I'm improvising or even experimenting a lot. Some of my experiments work well, some don't.

Sometimes I even take pictures of my meals. Warning: The link is not for faint hearted.
@Carlsson, I'm with you on that. I have lots of cookbooks, but take a recipe as a theme and do my best to add my own spin to it. Except for pastry, I don't use measuring cups or spoons, which drives my wife crazy. (Recipes with standardized measurements didn't come into being until the latter half of the 19th century anyway. It was assumed that you knew what you were doing.) My late father-in-law once tried to capture my favorite concoctions by following me around with a notebook, asking "How much of that do you use? How long and at what temperature do you cook it?" "Enough" and "Until it's done" were not satisfactory responses.

So, can you pass on your favorite Scandinavian recipe for surströmming in chocolate-garlic sauce? :)
I mastered the art of cooking frozen pizzas in the microwave. :)

Dude, you can cook frozen pizza in the microwave?? You just blew my mind on this one...

I live alone, so if I did not cook, I would starve. That being said, I don't really like to cook, nor am I very good at it.
I enjoy grilling but also cook indoors. Never did a turkey in my life, and also not too big into making cake from scratch either. Experimenting with food recipes is fun actually.

Is it me or do most engineer/scientist/programmers like music in the background when working?
The microwave is one of the most over used tools in the kitchen, so many things end up nasty inside of them. Anyone ever get one of those convection microwaves that crisps while nuking food?
Let see...I make a great TV dinner, and a bowl of cereal. Although my home made potato wedges aren't that bad (garlic, onion, olive oil).
The microwave is one of the most over used tools in the kitchen, so many things end up nasty inside of them. Anyone ever get one of those convection microwaves that crisps while nuking food?

Agreed. I use mine to melt butter and heat water and coffee--it really doesn't even make good popcorn. I want to talk to someone with a combination standard oven and convection oven, but I don't want one in a microwave. I can think of less expensive ways to ruin food.

The funny thing is that our dogs hang around when I'm cooking. They eat just about anything--onions, raw potato, turnips, carrots, apples, oranges (they love cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower). I feed them an orange a day--peel and all. Since I started that, I get more ticks when hiking than they do. They don't get fleas either.
Just returned from a Thanksgiving meal where nearly everything was pulled from thier garden or shot on thier land including a goose and deer steak. Was a bit different but am nearly in a diabetic coma just the same!
Hey, after 40 + years of marriage - I cook [microwave - thank God for that !] and my wife Lois cooks hers – stove / oven / BBQ during power outage, etc.!

Then there is always “take out” + food gifts from friends, etc.

" Mine and yours " as the saying goes.

You learn a lot in marriage – another educational degree – BM = Bachelor of Marriage degree – or ………..] - got a "noogy" for saying once was enough - when she said I would just marry again if she died !

Enjoy !

If you are not married - well ...........................



“ On topic “ – microwaves contain computer stuff like almost everything today !
It took me a while to get the neck out of our turkey. The thing was still frozen in there. And after sitting in the oven for four hours, the turkey tasted VERY good.

That "orange a day" thing sounds like I can start saving on pet medicines. My dogs get into everything.
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Well, since I do about half the cooking, all the time, my weapons of choice are the Slow Cooker and the Microwave/convection oven.

I can get a 25 (11.36 Kg) pound turkey into the MW/C, so, I usually cook the holiday dinner proteins in that and all the vegetables in the Slow Cooker. Then I drag it 4 houses down the street to my mother's house and everyone shows up to eat it.

I'm a pretty good cook (Boy Scout, ya know) and can make just about anything from scratch or a recipe, doesn't matter to me, as long as it will stand some "gastronomic modification", but, doing really fancy stuff takes several days of motivation.